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Health Assessment Through the Life Span
Types of Skin Lesions
Table of Contents
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2 to 20 years: Girls
Classification of Murmurs
Cultural Considerations
Cultural Variations in Communicating and Interviewing
Environmental Assessment
Introduction- The Physical Examination
Nonverbal Communication
Psychosocial History
Sample Adult Physical Assessment Form with Guide
Sample Health History Form
Stages of Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Male Genital Development
The Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination (Test of Cognitive Function)
Types of Skin Lesions
Variations in Normal Vital Signs for the Adult
Part 2:The Physical Examination
04.Physical Examination Guidelines
Cultural Considerations
F - 4-1. Percussion technique
F - 4-2. Optimal seating positions for communication with the older adult
General Guidelines for Documentation of Findings
Geriatric Adaptations
Pediatric Adaptations
Physical Examination Guidelines
Physical Examination Guidelines (Details)
Preparation Guidelines
Suggested Sequence of the Physical Examination
T - 4-1. Auscultation Sounds
T - 4-2. Percussion Sounds
Techniques in Physical Assessment
Part 2:The Physical Examination
Part 3:Body Organ and System Assessment
05.General Overview (with Examples)
F - 5-1. Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale
F - 5-2. Pain rating scale for older adults
General Overview (with Examples)
Overweight and Obesity
Physical Assessment Body Weight
Physical Assessment Pain
Physical Assessment Vital Signs
T - 5-1. Variations in Normal Vital Signs for the Adult
T - 5-2. FLACC Nonverbal Pain Scale
Weight Management Goals
F - 6-1. Keloid lesion on neck
F - 6-2. Testing skin turgor: Adult
F - 6-3. Testing skin turgor: Child
F - 6-4. Abnormal nail conditions
F - 6-5. Common skin changes in older adults
F - 6-6. Body prominences prone to pressure ulcers
T - 6-1. Types of Skin Lesions
T - 6-2. Stages of Pressure Ulcers
T - 6-3. Assessment of Skin Color
F - 7-1. Fontanels of infant's skull and bones of the skull
F - 8-1. Palpating the thyroid
F - 8-2. Thyroid gland and related structures
F - 8-3. Lymph nodes of the head and neck
F - 9-1. Rosenbaum pocket vision screener
F - 9-2. Placement of eyes
F - 9-3. Checking for optical accommodation and convergence
F - 9-4. Testing peripheral fields of vision
F - 9-5. Extraocular eye muscles
F - 9-6. Retina of right eye
F - 9-7. The Snellen tumbling E chart
11.Nose and Sinuses
F - 10-1. Position of eye and ear
F - 10-2. Weber test and Rinne test
F - 10-3. Use of otoscope
F - 10-4. The tympanic membrane and landmarks of right ear
12.Mouth and Throat
F - 12-1. Mouth, tongue, and pharynx
F - 12-2. Dentition (eruption of teeth)
Mouth and Throat
13.Lungs and Thorax
F - 13-1. (A) Clubbing of fingers. (B) Normal nails with arch illustrated by arrow. (C) Clubbed nailschr(133)chr(133)chr(133)
F - 13-2. Measurement of thoracic expansion
F - 13-3. Topographical landmarks of chest
F - 13-4. Anterior thoracic auscultation and palpation sites
F - 13-5. Posterior thoracic auscultation, percussion, and palpation sites
F - 13-6. Expected breath sounds
F - 13-7. Adventitious breath sounds
Lungs and Thorax
14.Breasts and Axillae
Breasts and Axillae
F - 14-1. A palpation method for the breast and tail of Spence
F - 14-2. Clock pattern of breast examination
F - 14-3. Bimanual palpation of breast: Technique used for large pendulous breasts
F - 14-4. Breast self-examination
T - 14-1. Stages of Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Female Breast Development
15.Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
F - 15-1. Cardiac auscultation and palpation sites
F - 15-2. Palpation of peripheral pulses
F - 15-3. Inspection of jugular vein
T - 15-1. Classification of Murmurs
F - 16-1. Scaphoid abdomen
F - 16-2. Abdominal quadrants and regions
F - 16-3. Percussion of liver
F - 16-4. Palpation of liver
17.Musculoskeletal System
F - 17-1. Normal and abnormal spinal curves
F - 17-2. Range of motion of neck
F - 17-3. Range of motion of upper extremity
F - 17-4. Range of motion of trunk
F - 17-5. Range of motion of lower extremity
F - 17-6. Hip dislocation in infant
F - 17-7. Normal joint and deformities
Musculoskeletal System
18.Neurologic System
F - 18-1. Reflexes
F - 18-2. Eliciting deep tendon reflexes
F - 18-3. Eliciting deep tendon reflexes
F - 18-4. Use of percussion hammer to elicit reflex response
Neurologic System
T - 18-1. Cranial Nerve Functions and Assessment Methods
19.Male Genitourinary System and Rectum
F - 19-1. Testicular self-examination
Male Genitourinary System and Rectum
T - 19-1. Stages of Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Male Genital Development
20.Female Genitourinary System and Rectum
F - 20-1. External hemorrhoid
Female Genitourinary System and Rectum
T - 20-1. Types of Chronic Urinary Incontinence (UI)
T - 20-2. Diagnosis and Treatment Interventions for Urinary Incontinence
F - 21-1. Fundal heights and gestation
Part 3:Body Organ and System Assessment
A. NANDA-Approved Nursing Diagnoses
B. Age Categories and Labels and Words Used for Older People
C. Sample Health History Form
D. Sample Mental Status Assessment Flow Sheet
E. The Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination (Test of Cognitive Function)
F. Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living
G. Apgar Scoring System
H. Recommended Childhood, Adolescent, and Adult Immunization Schedule
I. Examples of Pediatric Developmental Milestones
J. Sample of Community Resources Available for Older People
K. Sample Adult Physical Assessment Form with Guide
L. Seven Warning Signs of Cancer
M. Suggested Schedule of Health Screening for People Age 65 and Older with No Symptoms
N. Food Guide Pyramid
F - N-1. Original food guide pyramid
F - N-2. Food guide pyramid for older Adults
Food Guide Pyramid
O. Height, Weight Charts and Body Mass Index (BMI)
F - O-1. Are you at a healthy weight?
F - O-2. 2 to 20 years: Girls
F - O-3. 2 to 20 years: Boys
F - O-4. Calculation of body mass index
Height, Weight Charts and Body Mass Index (BMI)
P. Physical Signs of Malnutrition and Deficiency State
Q. A Guide for Healthy Aging
R. Recommended Dietary Nutrients and Sources
S. Glasgow Coma Scale
T. Client Positions
Client Positions
F - T-1. Positions
U. Conversion Rules
V. Weights and Measures
W. Fahrenheit and Celsius Scales
X. Medication Card
Y. Newborn Physical Assessment Guide
Glossary / References / Bibliography
Part 1:The Patient Interview and Health History
01.Overview of the Nursing Process
02.Communication Skills
Communicating With People Who Are Aggressive
Communicating With People Who Are Cognitively Challenged
Communicating With People Who Are Physically Challenged
Communication Skills
Cultural Variations in Communicating and Interviewing
Developmental Considerations in Communication
Effective Communication
F - 2-1. Components of communication
Nonverbal Communication
03.Health History Guidelines
Demographic Characteristics in the United States
Environmental Assessment
F - 3-1. Family communication patterns
F - 3-2. ECOMAP depicting family and interacting systems
Family Assessment
Family Caregiver Assessment
Functional Assessment
Geriatric Additions to the Health History
Health History Guidelines
Information Needed for a Complete Health History
Mental Status Assessment
Past Health History
Pediatric Additions to the Health History
Psychosocial History
Review of Systems (Symptoms)
Summary at End of Total Health History
T - 3-1. A Profile of the United States, 2000
Tips for Interviewing
Part 1:The Patient Interview and Health History
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Types of Skin Lesions
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