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RNotes®: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide
Transfusion Reaction
Table of Contents
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Abbreviation Alert!
Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
ACLS Bradycardia: 2015 Guidelines
ACLS Cardiac Arrest: 2015 Guidelines
ACLS Cardiac Arrest: 2015 Guidelines - Medical Emergencies
ACLS Tachycardia: 2015 Guideline
ACLS Tachycardia: 2015 Guideline - Medical Emergencies
Age-Related Assessment: Spices Tool
Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
Basic Chemistry and Electrolytes
Bites and Stings
Bleeding: Placenta Abruptio
Breasts and Breastfeeding
Calculator - APGAR Score - Calculator
Calculator - Body Surface Area (BSA) - Calculator
Code Responses and Responsibilities
Common Causes of Acid-Base Imbalance
Common Types of Cancers
Electrolyte Imbalance
Gastrointestinal Assessment
Health History - Temperature
Medical Emergencies
Newborn-Emergency Drug Reference
Renal Failure: Chronic (CRF)
Symbols and Abbreviations
Transfusion Reaction
Traumatic Emergencies
Airway-Maneuvers for Opening
Airway-Maneuvers for Opening
Head-Tilt, Chin-Lift
Airway-Nasal and Oral
Airway-Nasal and Oral
Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)
Oropharyngeal Airway (OPA)
Antiembolic Devices
Antiembolic Devices
Elastic Stockings (TED Hose)
Apical-Radial Pulse
Apical-Radial Pulse
Apical-Radial Pulse Deficit (If Present)
Aspiration Precautions
Aspiration Precautions
General Guidelines
Signs of Dysphagia
Assistive Devices
Assistive Devices
Walkers-Avoid UsingonStairs
Bladder Irrigation, Continuous (CBI)
Bladder Irrigation, Continuous (CBI)
Bladder Scanner
Bladder Scanner
Blood Administration
Blood Specimen-Arterial Blood Gas
Blood Specimen-Finger Stick Blood Glucose (FSBG)
Blood Specimen-Venous Sample
Blood Specimen-Venous Sample
Order of Lab Draw
Chest Tubes
Chest Tubes
Setup of Closed Chest Drainage System
Troubleshooting - Air Leak
Cold Therapy
Cold Therapy
Dressing Change-Sterile
Electric Pump Cooling Device
Ice Bag or Pack
Application Techniques
Dressing Types
Nasogastric (NG) Tube
Confirming Proper Placement of NG Tube
Insertion of NG Tube
Nasogastric (NG) Tube
Oral Care-Unconscious or Debilitated Patient
Removal of NG Tube
Ostomy Care
Applying or Changing An Ostomy Bag
Ostomy Care
Oxygen Administration
Types of Ostomies
Post-Procedure Guidelines
Pre-Procedure Guidelines
Pulse Oximetry
Conditions that May Produce False Readings
Pulse Oximetry
Alternatives to Restraints
Common Reasons for Using Restraints
Laws Pertaining to Restraints
Safety Guidelines
SBAR-Communication Technique
Types of Restraints
Sputum/Throat Culture
Expectorated Specimens
General Guidelines
Sputum/Throat Culture
Suctioned Specimens (Sputum Trap)
Throat Culture
Standard Precautions
Hand Hygiene
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Removing Soiled Gloves
Standard Precautions
Transmission-Based Precautions
Stool-Specimen Collection
Cysts and Spores-Ova and Parasites
Occult Blood (Hemoccult, Guaiac)
Stool-Specimen Collection
Closed System-Ventilated Patient
Tracheostomy Care
Tracheostomy Care
Tube Feedings
Administering Feedings
Checking Residuals
Tube Feeding-Complications
Tube Feedings
Urinary Catheter-Insertion
Condom Catheter Application
Indwelling and Straight Catheters
Urinary Catheter-Insertion
Urinary Catheter-Removal
Urine-Specimen Collection
Catheterized Patients
Clean-Catch (Midstream)
First Morning
Second Void
Timed (24-Hour Urine)
Urine-Specimen Collection
Ventilators-Patient in Distress
Ventilated Patient in Respiratory Distress
Ventilator Alarms - Ventilated Patient in Respiratory Distress
Ventilators-Patient in Distress
Wound Culture
Normal Range Vital Signs
Pain Assessment
Characteristics of Acute and Chronic Pain
Pain Assessment
Pain Scales-Faces Pain Rating Scale - Characteristics of Acute and Chronic Pain
Pain Scales-FLACC Pain Scale for Pediatric Patients
Referred Pain - Pain Scales-FLACC Pain Scale for Pediatric Patients
Spanish Numerical Pain Scale
Physical Assessment
Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
Cardiac Auscultation Sites
Cardiovascular Assessment - Different Approaches to Physical Assessment
Cranial Nerves: Assessment - Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
Dehydration - Pupil Scale (mm)
Determining Responsiveness: AVPU Scale - Dermatomes
Different Approaches to Physical Assessment
Edema Grading Scale
Electrolyte Imbalance - Pupil Scale (mm)
Fluid and Electrolytes - Pupil Scale (mm)
Focused Symptom Analysis (OPQRST) - Different Approaches to Physical Assessment
Gastrointestinal Assessment - Edema Grading Scale
Genitourinary Assessment - Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
Glasgow Coma Scale - Dermatomes
Integumentary Assessment - Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
Musculoskeletal Assessment - Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
Neurological Assessment - Abdominal Organs and Quadrants
Nutritional Assessment - Pupil Scale (mm)
Physical Assessment
Pupil Scale (mm)
Psychiatric-Mental Health Assessment
Areas Susceptible to Pressure Injuries
Auscultation of Lung Sounds
General Safety Guidelines
Lung Sounds-Differential Diagnosis - Respiratory Patterns
Mental Status Assessment - General Safety Guidelines
Pressure Injuries - Areas Susceptible to Pressure Injuries
Pressure Injury Prevention Strategies
Psychiatric-Mental Health Assessment
Respiratory Assessment
Respiratory Patterns
Risk Factors for Development of Pressure Injuries
Suicidal Patient
Wound Assessment - Respiratory Patterns
Assessment Overview
Factors that Affect Vital Signs
Health History
Vital Sign Assessment
Life Span
Advanced Pediatric Life Support (PALS 2015)
Advanced Pediatric Life Support (PALS 2015)
Assessment of the Pediatric Patient
Bradycardia (HR 60 bpm)-Poor Perfusion
Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric Formulas (>1 Year)
Tachycardia-Poor Perfusion
Aspiration Precautions
Aspiration Precautions - Life Span
General Guidelines
Signs of Dysphagia
Be Alert! Pain Assessment and Intervention
Be Alert! Pain Assessment and Intervention
Nonpharmacological Interventions for Pain
Signs and Symptoms by Developmental Stage
Be Alert! Respiratory Distress in Pediatrics
Be Alert! Respiratory Distress in Pediatrics
Developmental Milestones
Health History
Complications of Pregnancy
Bleeding: Placenta Abruptio
Bleeding: Placenta Previa
Blood Pressure (Elevated): Pre-eclampsia
Blood Pressure (Low): Supine Hypotensive Syndrome
Complications of Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Dehydration in the Elderly
Dehydration in the Elderly
Delirium and Dementia in the Elderly
Nursing Interventions
Risk Factors
Signs and Symptoms
Assisting During Delivery
Clinical Findings (Imminent Delivery)
Delivery-with Complications
Breech Presentation
Cord Presentation (Prolapsed Cord)
Delivery-with Complications
Limb Presentation
Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid
Newborn-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Vaginal Bleeding
Depression and Suicide in the Elderly
Depression and Suicide in the Elderly
Eating Problems in the Elderly - Nursing Interventions
Nursing Interventions
Signs of Suicidal Intent
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Fetal Heart Rate (FHR)
Fetal Heart Rate Patterns
Variability (Cardiac Rhythm Irregularities)
Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention
Fall Prevention
Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention
Pharmacokinetics in the Elderly
Geriatric Patients
Age-Related Assessment: Spices Tool
Age-Related Changes and Implications - Age-Related Assessment: Spices Tool
Geriatric Patients
Immunization History
Immunization History
Injections (IM) for Pediatric Patients
Recurrent Childhood Illnesses
Mother: Postpartum Care and Assessment
Abdomen and Uterus
Breasts and Breastfeeding
Emotional Status
Lower Extremities
Mother: Postpartum Care and Assessment
Pediatric Quick Reference (Vitals-Equipment-Electricity) - Perineum
Newborn: Initial Care and Assessment
ABCs, Temperature, and Vital Signs
Identification and Infant Safety
Newborn: Initial Care and Assessment
Physical Assessment
Routine Infant Reflexes - Physical Assessment
Routine Newborn Medication and Labs
Newborn-Emergency Drug Reference
Newborn-Emergency Drug Reference
Newborn-Equipment Size and Insertion Depth
Nutritional Assessment
Nutritional Assessment
Signs of Malnutrition
OB Patients: Pregnancy-Newborn-Postpartum
Basic Terms Associated with Pregnancy
Due Date Prediction (Nagele's Rule)
Fetal Development Timetable
Fundal Height Assessment
Hormones Associated with Pregnancy
Immunization During Pregnancy
Normal Changes Throughout Pregnancy
OB Patients: Pregnancy-Newborn-Postpartum
Weight Gain and Nutritional Requirements
Polypharmacy in the Elderly
Assessment and Prevention
Polypharmacy in the Elderly
Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule
Progression of Labor
Factors Affecting Progression of Labor (Four Ps)
Factors Affecting Progression of Labor (Four Ps) - Comparison of True and False Labor
Factors Affecting Progression of Labor (Four Ps) - Stages of Labor
Progression of Labor
Emerg Trauma
BLS CPR Maneuvers
Defibrillation and Pacing
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Chest Pain
Defibrillation and Pacing
Manual Defibrillation
Synchronized Electrical Cardioversion
Hazmat/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Biological Agents
Chemical and Nerve Agents
General Hazmat Decontamination Guidelines
Hazmat/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Increasing Intracranial Pressure
Infection: Fever/Sirs/Sepsis
Overdose (OD)
Postoperative Hemorrhage
Respiratory Distress
Immediate Post-Cardiac Arrest Care: 2015 Return of Spontaneous
12-Lead ECG and Neurologic Assessment
Dizziness, Vasovagal Response, Syncope
Immediate Post-Cardiac Arrest Care: 2015 Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)
Optimize Ventilation and Oxygenation
Transfusion Reaction
Treat Hypotension (SBP 90 mm Hg)
Initial Assessment and Intervention for All Pts
Abdominal Pain
ACLS Bradycardia: 2015 Guidelines
ACLS Cardiac Arrest: 2015 Guidelines
Allergic Reaction: Anaphylaxis
Altered Mental Status (AMS)
Assessment (As Applicable)
BLS Cardiac Arrest: 2015 Guidelines
BLS Choking: 2015 Guidelines
BLS Summary of CPR Components: 2015
Code Responses and Responsibilities
Initial Assessment and Intervention for All Pts
Intervention (As Applicable)
Medical Emergencies
Abdominal Pain
ACLS Bradycardia: 2015 Guidelines
ACLS Cardiac Arrest: 2015 Guidelines
ACLS Tachycardia: 2015 Guideline
Allergic Reaction: Anaphylaxis
Altered Mental Status (AMS)
Assessment (As Applicable) - Initial Assessment and Intervention for All Pts
Chest Pain
Diabetic Emergencies
Diabetic Emergencies
Dizziness, Vasovagal Response, Syncope
Increasing Intracranial Pressure
Infection: Fever/Sirs/Sepsis
Initial Assessment and Intervention for All Pts
Intervention (As Applicable) - Initial Assessment and Intervention for All Pts
Medical Emergencies
Overdose (OD)
Postoperative Hemorrhage
Respiratory Distress
Shock: Comparing Different Types and Management - Seizure
Suicidal/Combative Patient
ACLS Tachycardia: 2015 Guideline
Shock: Comparing Different Types and Management
Suicidal/Combative Patient
Assessment-Primary Trauma Survey
Assessment-Revised Trauma Score (RTS)
Assessment-Secondary Trauma Survey
Indications for Spinal Immobilization
Special Considerations
Trauma-Basic Management
Abdominal Trauma
Chest Trauma
Chest Trauma-Comparing Different Types - Chest Trauma
Extremity Trauma - Abdominal Trauma
Head Trauma
Trauma-Basic Management
Traumatic Emergencies
Bites and Stings
Burn Injury
Cold Injury-Frostbite
Differentiating Heatstroke and Heat Exhaustion - Hyperthermia
Drowning-Near Drowning-Submersion
High-Altitude Illness
Traumatic Emergencies
Abbreviation Alert!
Abbreviation Alert!
Additional Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols
Formulas: Medication and Infusion Rates
Joint Commission Official "Do Not Use" List: 2009
Administration Alerts!
Administration Alerts!
Always Remember! Assessment and Documentation
Always Remember! Critical General Points
Always Remember! Medication Right
Always Remember! Triple Check
IV Fluid Drip Rate Table (Drops/Min)
Administration Routes
Administration Routes
Eyes-Drops or Ointment
Inhalation-Handheld Nebulizer
Inhalation-Metered Dose Inhaler
Nasogastric-Gastric Tubes
Oral (PO)
Rectal (PR)
Transdermal Patch
Vaginal (PV)
Formulas: Medication and Infusion Rates - Vial
IV Fluid Drip Rate Table (Drops/Min) - Vial
High-Alert Medication Classes
Angle of Injection
Anticoagulant Alert! - Injections-Subcutaneous (SC)
High-Alert Medication Classes
Injections - Specific High-Alert Medications
Injections-Intradermal (ID)
Injections-Intramuscular (IM)
Injections-Intramuscular Landmarks
Injections-Intramuscular Z-Track Method
Injections-Subcutaneous (SC)
Injections-Subcutaneous and Intradermal Sites
Insulin Alert! - Injections-Subcutaneous (SC)
Insulin-Types - Injections-Subcutaneous and Intradermal Sites
Specific High-Alert Medications
Intravenous (IV)-Access, Infusion, Maintenance
Access-Inserting A Peripheral IV or Saline Lock
Infusion-Intermittent IV Piggyback (IVPB)
Infusion-IV Push Medications
Intravenous (IV)-Access, Infusion, Maintenance
Maintenance-Flushing Peripheral and Central Lines
Routine Care of Peripheral and Central Lines
Troubleshooting IV Complications
Intravenous Solution Types
Intravenous Solution Types
Volume Expanders (Colloids)
Medication Errors
Medication Errors
Pregnancy Risk Categories - Response
Formulas: Medication and Infusion Rates
IV Fluid Drip Rate Table (Drops/Min)
12-Lead ECG
12-Lead ECG
12-Lead Placement-Chest and Limb Leads
Differentiating RBBB from LBBB - 12-Lead Placement-Chest and Limb Leads
Differentiating Wide-Complex Tachycardia - 12-Lead Placement-Chest and Limb Leads
Localizing Ischemiaon12-Lead
Patterns of Acute MI - Localizing Ischemiaon12-Lead
Reciprocal Lead Changes of Acute MI - Localizing Ischemiaon12-Lead
Sample ECG Rhythms
Basic Chemistry and Electrolytes
Basic ECG Interpretation
Analyzing the PR Interval (PRI) - ECG Components
Analyzing the QRS - ECG Components
Basic ECG Interpretation
Cardiac Anatomy and Conduction
ECG Components
ECG Parameters - ECG Components
ECG Systematic Assessment - ECG Components
Lead Placement-Standard Three- and Five-Wire
Blood Gas Analysis
Acid-Base Imbalance
Antibiotic Levels (Peak and Trough)
Arterial Blood Gas
Blood Gas Analysis
Cardiac Markers
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Common Causes of Acid-Base Imbalance
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy Panel
Hematology (CBC with Differential)
Medication Levels (Therapeutic)
Progression of Cardiac Markers
Venous Blood Gas
Diseases & Patient ED
Diseases and Disorders
ABCDs of Melanoma - Cancer: General Overview
Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
Breast Self-Examination
Cancer: General Overview
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Common Types of Cancers
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Crohn's Disease
Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Diseases and Disorders
Hypertension (HTN)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)
Renal Failure: Chronic (CRF)
Testicular Self-Examination (TSE)
TNM Staging of Cancer - Cancer: General Overview
Urinary Incontinence
Food and Dietary Considerations
Food and Dietary Considerations
Food Sources for Specific Nutrients
Food Sources for Specific Nutrients - Foods to Avoid with Certain Drugs/Herbs
Food Sources for Specific Nutrients - Herb-Prescription Drug Interactions
Food Sources for Specific Nutrients - Suggested Dietary Changes Related to Diseases
Common Formulas and Equivalents
Body Surface Area (BSA) Formula
Common Equivalents
Common Formulas and Equivalents
Common Standard-to-Metric Formulas
Conversions: Standard-to-Metric
English-to-Spanish Translation
Illustration Checklist Report
Select References
Symbols and Abbreviations
Waist-to-Hip Ratio
Web Resources (Updated October 2017)
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Transfusion Reaction
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