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Abnormalities Associated with the Preterm Infant: Common Anesthetic Concerns
Acquired Disorders of Hemostasis
Adrenergic Receptors and Order of Potency of Agonists and Antagonists
Adult Dosing Guidelines for Nonopioid Analgesics
Advantages and Disadvantages of Office-Based Anesthesia
Advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery
Advantages of Regional Versus General Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgical Procedures
Advantages of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Adverse Outcomes Associated with Inadequate Postoperative Pain Relief in Elderly Patients
Airway Classification System
Altered Responses to Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
American Society of Anesthesiologists' Classification of Surgical Offices According to the Anesthesia and Surgical Procedures Performed
Anatomic Differences Between Pediatric and Adult Airways
Acid-Base Disorders
Acquired Risk Factors for Thrombosis
Adult Advanced Cardiac Life Support Drugs and Doses
Advanced Trauma Life Support Classification of Hemorrhagic Shock
Advantages of Laryngeal Mask Airways
Advantages of Neuraxial Anesthetic Techniques in Obese Patients
Advantages of the Laryngeal Mask Airway in Supraglottic Surgery
Adverse Effects Associated with Pulmonary Artery Monitoring
Airway Anomalies that may Present Problems During Anesthesia
Algogenic Substances
American Society for Testing and Materials Stand ards for Manufactured Workstations
American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification
Anatomic Features of the Upper Airway in Infants Compared with Adults
Anesthetic Complications in Obstetric Patients
Anesthetic Considerations During Mediastinoscopy
Anesthetic Considerations for Surgical Correction of Scoliosis
Anesthetic Considerations for Tympanoplasty and Mastoidectomy
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 51