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Safety or Utility Functions
Scan Lines
Scanning in the Paramedian Longitudinal Plane.B: Probe Oriented Parallel to the Axis of Spine Model.C: Ultrasound Image with a Typical Saw-Tooth Sign: Hyperechoic Flat Band on the Right Represents Sacrum, Saw-Teeth Indicate Lamina, and the Two Parallel Bands Between Saw-Teeth Correspond to the Interspace Containing the Ligamentum Flavum-dorsal Dura Unit (Upper) and the Ventral Dura Posterior Longitudinal Ligament-vertebral Body Complex (Lower)
Scapular Winging
Schematic (A) and Photo (B) of Ohmeda Link-25 Proportion-Limiting Control System
Schematic Depiction of Couinaud Segmental Liver Anatomy and the Normal Portal Venous Structures
Schematic Diagram of Inhibitory Control of the Coagulation Cascade
Schematic Diagram of the Cervical Plexus, Which Arises from the Anterior Primary Rami of C2-c4
Schematic Diagram of the Efferent ANS
Schematic Distribution of the Craniosacral (Parasympathetic) and Thoracolumbar (Sympathetic) Nervous Systems
Schematic Illustration of [α]-Adrenoceptor Agonist Mechanism of Action
Schematic Illustration of Inhibitors of the Renin-angiotensin System; Abbreviations: DRI, Direct Renin Inhibitor; ACE, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme; ACE I, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor; ARB, Angiotensin Receptor Blocker; AT (1), Angiotensin Subtype 1 Receptor
Schematic Illustration of the Actin Filaments and its Individual Monomers and Active Myosin-Binding Sites (M; Left Panel)
Schematic of Superoxide and Other Oxidant Production Within the Phagosome
Schematic of the Processes of Wound Healing
Schematic of the Synthesis of Catecholamines
Schematic Pharmacodynamic Curves, with Dose or Concentration on the x-Axis and Effect or Receptor Occupancy on the Y-Axis, that Illustrate Agonism, Partial Agonism, and Antagonism
Schematic Representation of Bloody Vicious Cycle or Lethal Triad
Schematic Representation of Paradoxical Respiration in the Spontaneously Breathing, Open-Chested Patient in the Lateral Decubitus Position
Schematic Representation of the Effects of Gravity on the Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow in the Lateral Decubitus Position
Schematic Representation of the Neuromuscular Junction (Not Drawn to Scale)
Schematic Representation of Two-Lung Ventilation Versus One-Lung Ventilation (OLV)
Schwann Cells Form Myelin around One Myelinated Axon or Encompass Several Unmyelinated Axons
Sequence of Events Producing Granulocyte Aggregation, Pulmonary Leukostasis, and Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction
Sequence of Transverse Sonograms (Distal to Proximal) Demonstrating the Spread of the Local Anesthetic in Both the Subepimyseal and Subparaneural Compartments after an Ultrasound-Guided Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block above its Bifurcation
Simulated Effect of Multiple Bolus Doses of Fentanyl (100 to 150 g) During Anesthesia, and Morphine During and Following Anesthesia, on the Analgesic and Hemodynamic State of the Patient
Simulation of Fire Caused by ESU Electrode During Surgery
Single Twitch (ST) Stimulation
Sitting Position for Neuraxial Block
Skeletal Muscle Cross-Section with Characteristic Histologic Changes after Continuous Exposure to Bupivacaine for 6 Hours
Displaying items 31 - 60 of 99