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Rate of Spo (2) Decline after Onset of Apnea
Recommendations for Management of Parturients and Surgical Procedures
Relation Among Perioperative Injury, Hyperglycemia, and Outcomes
Relationship Between Emergency Department Systolic Blood Pressure, Base Deficit, and Overall Mortality Rate of Trauma Patients; Head Injury Patients are Not Included
Remifentanil-sevoflurane Interaction for Sedation (Green Line) and Analgesia to Electrical Tetanic Stimulation (Red Line) for Volunteers
Renal Blood Flow (RBF) Autoregulation Maintains RBF and Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Relatively Constant with Changes in Systolic Blood Pressure from About 80 to 200 mmHg
Renal Filtration, Reabsorption, and Excretion of Water
Representative Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP), Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP), and Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) Tracings
Representative Data from a Single Human Volunteer Demonstrating Changes in EEG with Increasing Serum Concentrations of Propofol
Retrocrural Versus Anterocrural Approaches to Neurolysis of the Celiac Plexus
Right: a “cheater Plug” that Converts a Three-Prong Power Cord to a Two-Prong Cord.Left: The Wire Attached to the Cheater Plug is Rarely Connected to the Screw in the Middle of the Outlet
Right L5 Transforaminal Epidural Injection
Right Lobe (Segments V to VIII) Living Donor Transplantation
Robotic Surgery Room Setup
Role of Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction (HPV) in Preserving Pao (2) (in Dogs)
Rotation Thromboelastometry Graph Depicting Each Clotting Parameter
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Safety or Utility Functions
Saturated Vapor Pressure Versus Temperature Curves for Desflurane, Isoflurane, Halothane, Enflurane, and Sevoflurane
Scan Lines
Scanning Electron Microscopic Image of a Radial Longitudinal Section of Human Dura Mater
Scanning in the Paramedian Longitudinal Plane.B: Probe Oriented Parallel to the Axis of Spine Model.C: Ultrasound Image with a Typical Saw-Tooth Sign: Hyperechoic Flat Band on the Right Represents Sacrum, Saw-Teeth Indicate Lamina, and the Two Parallel Bands Between Saw-Teeth Correspond to the Interspace Containing the Ligamentum Flavum-dorsal Dura Unit (Upper) and the Ventral Dura Posterior Longitudinal Ligament-vertebral Body Complex (Lower)
Scanning in the Transverse Plane.B: Probe Oriented Perpendicular to the Axis of Spine Model.C: Typical Sonogram of a Lumbar Interspace: Midline Hyperechoic Structures Represent the Ligamentum Flavum-dorsal Dura Unit (Upper) and the Ventral Dura Posterior Longitudinal Ligament-vertebral Body Complex (Lower); Bilateral Symmetrical Hyperechoic Structures Indicate Articular and Transverse Processes with Their Acoustic Shadows
Scapular Winging
Schema of Reduced Cardiac Reserve in Fetal and Newborn Animal Hearts Compared with Adult Hearts
Schematic (A) and Photo (B) of Ohmeda Link-25 Proportion-Limiting Control System
Schematic Cross-Section of a Typical Peripheral Nerve
Schematic Depiction of Couinaud Segmental Liver Anatomy and the Normal Portal Venous Structures
Schematic Diagram Illustrating the Role of Opioids in Analgesia of Peripheral Inflammation
Schematic Diagram of Inhibitory Control of the Coagulation Cascade
Displaying items 481 - 510 of 781