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Generic Tree for a Clinical Decision Where the Choices are: (1) to Treat the Patient Empirically, (2) to Do the Test and Then Treat Only if the Test is Positive, or (3) to Withhold Therapy
Atypical (Dysplastic) Nevus on the Chest
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, Warm Antibody Type, Peripheral Blood Smear
Autoimmune Hepatitis: Typical Histologic Findings of Autoimmune Hepatitis are Plasma Cells (Arrows) at the Interface Between the Portal Tract (Top of Figure) and Lobule (Bottom), with Inflammatory Cells Spilling into the Lobule, Referred to as Interface Hepatitis
Avascular Necrosis (Avn) of the Ankle
A Weight-Bearing Lateral Radiograph of a Foot
Axial Brain MRI in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis Demonstrating Simultaneous Active Lesions with Gadolinium Enhancement (Long Arrows) and Old Lesions Without Enhancement (Short Arrows), Reflecting Lesions of Different Age, Ie, a Dissemination in Time
Axillary Pigmented Striae of Cushing Syndrome Preoperatively
Bacillary Angiomatosis
Bacterial Folliculitis
Barium Swallows Showing Different Grades of Megaesophagus in a Patient with Chagas Disease
Barotrauma in ARDS
Bartholin Cyst (Abscess)
Basal Cell Carcinoma-Figure Located on the Inferomedial Eyelid
Basal Cell Carcinoma-Figure of the Scapula
Basal Cell Carcinoma-Figure on the Forehead with Irregular Distribution of the Telangiectasias and Lack of Typical Doughnut Shape
Beau Lines
Behçet Syndrome Characterized by Recurrent Oral and Genital Ulcers in a 17-Year-Old Girl
Benign, Compound Nevus on the Back
Beta-Thalassemia Major, on Peripheral Blood Smear
Beta-Thalassemia Minor, on Peripheral Blood Smear
Bilateral Heliotrope Rash, Which is a Pathognomonic Sign of Dermatomyositis
Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia due to Multiple Sclerosis
Bilateral Optic Atrophy with Disk Pallor due to Chronic Optic Neuritis
Bile Duct Stone
Biometric Measurements in a Fetus
Blepharitis-Figure Showing Erythema of the Eyelids and Flaking in the Eyelashes
Blood Smear Showing Babesia Spp
Blue Nevus on the Left Cheek, a Darkly Pigmented Blue-Black Macule with Some Resemblance to a Melanoma due to its Dark Pigmentation
Displaying items 271 - 300 of 894