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Medications for the Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
Medications for Tobacco Dependence and Smoking Cessation
Medications for Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Oral Doses Unless Otherwise Noted)
Medications Tested in Clinical Trials for Treatment of Obesity
Medications to Consider for Reversing Anticoagulant Effect During Life-Threatening Bleeding
Medication Treatment for Seizures in Adults (Listed in Alphabetical Order)
Mental Status Examination
Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic Complications of Parenteral Nutritional Support
Modified 2022 ACC Therapeutic Recommendations for Adult Hypercholesterolemic Patients with Statin Intolerance
Morphine Milligram Equivalent (Mme) Doses for Commonly Prescribed Opioids
Morphologic Categorization of Skin Lesions and Diseases
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes: Incidence of Tumor Types
Myositis-Specific Antibodies
Neurologic Testing of Lumbosacral Nerve Disorders
Niaid/Faan Consensus Criteria for Anaphylaxis
Nih Covid-9 Therapeutic Management of Nonhospitalized Adults with Covid-9
Noninfectious Causes of Myocarditis
Opioid-Agonist Subreceptor Types
Origin of Hyperuricemia
Other Specific Types of Diabetes Mellitus
Ovarian Functional and Neoplastic Tumors
Padua Risk Assessment Model for VTE Prophylaxis in Hospitalized Medical Patients
Pain Assessment Scales
Palm-Coein Classification System for the Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) in Nonpregnant Women of Reproductive Age
Palpitations: Patients at High Risk for a Cardiovascular Cause
Paraneoplastic Syndromes Associated with Cancer
Patient Selection for Outpatient Treatment of DVT
Patterns of Disease in Advanced COPD
Peg Score to Gauge Benefit from Long-Term Opioid Use
Displaying items 271 - 300 of 438