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H04.41 - Chronic dacryocystitis
H05.011 - Cellulitis of right orbit
H05.012 - Cellulitis of left orbit
H05.013 - Cellulitis of bilateral orbits
H05.01 - Cellulitis of orbit
H05.231 - Hemorrhage of right orbit
H05.232 - Hemorrhage of left orbit
H05.233 - Hemorrhage of bilateral orbit
H05.239 - Hemorrhage of unspecified orbit
H05.23 - Hemorrhage of orbit
H05.429 - Enophthalmos due to trauma or surgery
H10.029 - Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis
H10.89 - Other conjunctivitis
H10.9 - Unspecified conjunctivitis
H11.829 - Conjunctivochalasis
H15.009 - Unspecified scleritis
H15.109 - Unspecified episcleritis
H20.00 - Unspecified acute and subacute iridocyclitis
H20.029 - Recurrent acute iridocyclitis
H20.10 - Chronic iridocyclitis
H21.01 - Hyphema
H21.02 - Hyphema
Displaying items 61 - 90 of 213