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O45.92 - Premature separation of placenta
O45.93 - Premature separation of placenta
O45.9 - Premature separation of placenta
O60.00 - Preterm labor without delivery
O60.10 - X0 Preterm labor w preterm delivery
O62.3 - Precipitate labor
O70.3 - Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery
O71.00 - Rupture of uterus before onset of labor
O71.6 - Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments
O71.9 - Obstetric trauma
O72.1 - Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage
O72.2 - Delayed and secondary postpartum hemorrhage
O72.3 - Postpartum coagulation defects
O72 - Postpartum hemorrhage
O80 - Encounter for full-term uncomplicated delivery
O85 - Puerperal sepsis
O86.12 - Endometritis following delivery
O86.19 - Other infection of genital tract following delivery
O86.4 - Pyrexia of unknown origin following delivery
O86.81 - Puerperal septic thrombophlebitis
O88.219 - Thromboembolism in pregnancy
O91.12 - Abscess of breast associated with the puerperium
O91.13 - Abscess of breast associated with lactation
O91.22 - Nonpurulent mastitis associated with the puerperium
O91.23 - Nonpurulent mastitis associated with lactation
O99.419 - Diseases of the circ sys comp pregnancy
Displaying items 61 - 90 of 90