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S32.2 - XXA Fracture of coccyx
S32.309 - A Unsp fracture of unsp ilium
S32.399 - A Oth fracture of unsp ilium
S32.499 - A Oth fracture of unsp acetabulum
S32.509 - A Unsp fracture of unsp pubis
S32.599 - A Oth fracture of unsp pubis
S32.609 - A Unsp fracture of unsp ischium
S32.699 - A Oth fracture of unsp ischium
S32.810 - A Multiple fx of pelvis w stable disrupt of pelvic ring
S32.811 - A Mult fx of pelvis w unstable disrupt of pelvic ring
S32.82 - XA Multiple fx of pelvis w/o disrupt of pelvic ring
S32.89 - XA Fracture of oth parts of pelvis
S32.9 - XXA Fracture of unsp parts of lumbosacral spine and pelvis
S33.5 - XXA Sprain of ligaments of lumbar spine
S33.8 - XXA Sprain of oth parts of lumbar spine and pelvis
S35.01 - XA Minor laceration of abdominal aorta
S35.02 - XA Major laceration of abdominal aorta
S35.09 - XA Other injury of abdominal aorta
S36.020 - A Minor contusion of spleen
S36.021 - A Major contusion of spleen
S36.029 - A Unspecified contusion of spleen
S36.030 - A Superficial (capsular) laceration of spleen
S36.031 - A Moderate laceration of spleen
S36.032 - A Major laceration of spleen
S36.112 - A Contusion of liver
Displaying items 391 - 420 of 559