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S62.502 - A Fracture of unsp phalanx of left thumb
S62.509 - A Fracture of unsp phalanx of unsp thumb
S62.516 - A Nondisp fx of proximal phalanx of unsp thumb
S62.521 - A Disp fx of distal phalanx of right thumb
S62.522 - A Disp fx of distal phalanx of left thumb
S62.523 - A Disp fx of distal phalanx of unsp thumb
S62.524 - A Nondisp fx of distal phalanx of right thumb
S62.525 - A Nondisp fx of distal phalanx of left thumb
S62.526 - A Nondisp fx of distal phalanx of unsp thumb
S62.609 - A Fracture of unsp phalanx of unsp finger
S62.669 - A Nondisp fx of distal phalanx of unsp finger
S63.024 - A Dislocation of radiocarpal joint of right wrist
S63.025 - A Dislocation of radiocarpal joint of left wrist
S63.026 - A Dislocation of radiocarpal joint of unspecified wrist
S63.094 - A Other dislocation of right wrist and hand
S63.095 - A Other dislocation of left wrist and hand
S63.259 - A Unspecified dislocation of unspecified finger
S63.269 - A Dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint of unspecified finger
S63.289 - A Dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint of unspecified finger
S63.498 - A Traumatic rupture of other ligament of other finger at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint
S66.329 - A Lacerat extn musc/fasc/tend unsp finger at wrs/hnd lv
S66.929 - A Lacerat unsp musc/fasc/tend at wrs/hnd lv
S67.10 - XA Crushing injury of unspecified finger(s)
S67.20 - XA Crushing injury of unspecified hand
S68.019 - A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of unspecified thumb
S68.119 - A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of unspecified finger
S68.129 - A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of unspecified finger
S68.419 - A Complete traumatic amputation of unspecified hand at wrist level
S68.619 - A Complete traumatic transphalangeal amputation of unspecified finger
Displaying items 391 - 420 of 559