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S09.91 - XA Unspecified injury of ear
S10.93 - XA Contusion of unspecified part of neck
S11.011 - A Laceration without foreign body of larynx
S11.021 - A Laceration without foreign body of trachea
S11.81 - XA Laceration w/o foreign body of oth part of neck
S11.82 - XA Laceration w foreign body of oth part of neck
S12.8 - XXD Fracture of other parts of neck
S12.8 - XXS Fracture of other parts of neck
S13.101 - A Dislocation of unspecified cervical vertebrae
S13.121 - A Dislocation of C1/C2 cervical vertebrae
S14.129 - A Central cord synd at unsp level of cerv spinal cord
S15.009 - A Unspecified injury of unspecified carotid artery
S15.109 - A Unspecified injury of unspecified vertebral artery
S15.9 - XXA Injury of unspecified blood vessel at neck level
S19.80 - XA Other specified injuries of unspecified part of neck
S19.81 - XA Other specified injuries of larynx
S20.20 - XA Contusion of thorax
S21.93 - XA Puncture wound w/o foreign body of unsp part of thorax
S21.94 - XA Puncture wound w foreign body of unsp part of thorax
S22.000 - A Wedge compression fracture of unsp thoracic vertebra
S22.001 - A Stable burst fracture of unsp thoracic vertebra
S22.008 - A Oth fracture of unsp thoracic vertebra
Displaying items 61 - 90 of 559