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S43.50 - XA Sprain of unspecified acromioclavicular joint
S43.60 - XA Sprain of unspecified sternoclavicular joint
S43.61 - XA Sprain of right sternoclavicular joint
S43.62 - XA Sprain of left sternoclavicular joint
S43.80 - XA Sprain of other specified parts of unspecified shoulder girdle
S46.929 - A Laceration of unspecified muscle
S47.9 - XXA Crushing injury of shoulder and upper arm
S48.019 - A Complete traumatic amputation at unspecified shoulder joint
S48.029 - A Partial traumatic amputation at unspecified shoulder joint
S49.009 - A Unsp physeal fx upper end of humerus
S51.839 - A Puncture wound w/o foreign body of unsp forearm
S52.123 - A Disp fx of head of unsp radius
S52.126 - A Nondisp fx of head of unsp radius
S52.209 - A Unsp fracture of shaft of unsp ulna
S52.209 - B Unsp fx shaft of unsp ulna
S52.279 - A Monteggia's fracture of unsp ulna
S52.279 - B Monteggia's fracture of unsp ulna
S52.309 - A Unsp fracture of shaft of unsp radius
S52.309 - B Unsp fx shaft of unsp radius
S52.379 - A Galeazzi's fracture of unsp radius
S52.379 - B Galeazzi's fracture of unsp radius
S52.509 - A Unsp fracture of the lower end of unsp radius
S52.509 - B Unsp fx the lower end unsp radius
S52.539 - A Colles' fracture of unsp radius
S52.539 - B Colles' fracture of unsp radius
S52.569 - A Barton's fracture of unsp radius
S52.569 - B Barton's fracture of unsp radius
S52.609 - A Unsp fracture of lower end of unsp ulna
S52.609 - B Unsp fx lower end of unsp ulna
S52.90 - XA Unsp fracture of unsp forearm
Displaying items 2491 - 2520 of 3079