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S92.246 - A Nondisp fx of medial cuneiform of unsp foot
S92.246 - B Nondisp fx of medial cuneiform of unsp foot
S92.256 - A Nondisp fx of navicular of unsp foot
S92.256 - B Nondisp fx of navicular of unsp foot
S92.309 - A Fracture of unsp metatarsal bone(s)
S92.309 - B Fx unsp metatarsal bone(s)
S92.403 - A Displaced unsp fracture of unsp great toe
S92.909 - A Unsp fracture of unsp foot
S92.909 - B Unsp fracture of unsp foot
S92.919 - A Unsp fracture of unsp toe(s)
S93.409 - A Sprain of unsp ligament of unspecified ankle
S93.419 - A Sprain of calcaneofibular ligament of unsp ankle
S93.429 - A Sprain of deltoid ligament of unspecified ankle
S93.439 - A Sprain of tibiofibular ligament of unsp ankle
S93.499 - A Sprain of other ligament of unspecified ankle
S97.109 - A Crushing injury of unspecified toe(s)
S97.119 - A Crushing injury of unspecified great toe
S97.129 - A Crushing injury of unspecified lesser toe(s)
S98.119 - A Complete traumatic amputation of unspecified great toe
S98.149 - A Partial traumatic amputation of one unspecified lesser toe
S99.929 - A Unspecified injury of unspecified foot
T14.91 - Suicide attempt
T15.00 - XA Foreign body in cornea
T15.01 - XA Foreign body in cornea
T15.02 - XA Foreign body in cornea
T16.1 - XXA Foreign body in right ear
T16.2 - XXA Foreign body in left ear
T16.9 - XXA Foreign body in ear
Displaying items 2731 - 2760 of 3079