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B02.23 - Postherpetic polyneuropathy
B02.24 - Postherpetic myelitis
B02.29 - Other postherpetic nervous system involvement
B02.30 - Zoster ocular disease
B02.31 - Zoster conjunctivitis
B02.7 - Disseminated zoster
B05.0 - Measles complicated by encephalitis
B05.1 - Measles complicated by meningitis
B05.2 - Measles complicated by pneumonia
B05.3 - Measles complicated by otitis media
T79.6 - XXA Traumatic ischemia of muscle
T79. - A0XA Compartment syndrome
T79. - A11A Traumatic compartment syndrome of r up extrem
T79. - A12A Traumatic compartment syndrome of left upper extremity
T79. - A19A Traumatic compartment syndrome of unsp upper extremity
T79. - A21A Traumatic compartment syndrome of r low extrem
T79. - A22A Traumatic compartment syndrome of left lower extremity
T79. - A29A Traumatic compartment syndrome of unsp lower extremity
T79. - A9XA Traumatic compartment syndrome of other sites
T80.29 - XA Infct fol oth infusion
T80.61 - XA Oth serum reaction due to admin blood/products
T80.62 - XA Other serum reaction due to vaccination
T80.69 - XA Other serum reaction due to other serum
T80.90 - XA Unsp comp following infusion and therapeutic injection
T80.910 - A Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
T80.911 - A Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction
T80.919 - A Hemolytic transfusion reaction
Displaying items 2581 - 2610 of 3079