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Lisfranc dislocation occurs at the midfoot joints, usually with substantial trauma
Little League Elbow and Elbow Overuse Injuries
Little League elbow results from valgus strain overload, which results in tension medially and compression laterally in the growing elbow
Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Long collapsing curve in boy with DMD
Low back pain
Low back pain (LBP)
Lumbar spine
Lumbar Spine Anatomy and Examination
Lyme arthritis
Macrodactyly of the foot in a 2 yr old Note the central involvement, syndactyly, involvement is greatest plantarly and distally, and contralateral normal foot
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Malignant neoplasm
Mallet finger splint before taping
Mason classification, radial head fracture
MCL injuries may be graded as follows: I, microscopic strain; II, partial tear; or III, complete tear
Medial Collateral Ligament Injury
Meniscal injuries
Meniscal tears
Displaying items 601 - 630 of 820