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Uterine fibroids, contraception and
Uveal melanoma staging diagram
Vaginal cancer
Visceral pleura invasion
Vitamin D
von Recklinghausen's disease
Vulva and perineum lesions, from top to bottom: the lesion at the top is vulvar, the middle two lesions are perineal, and the lesion at the bottom is considered perianal
Vulvar cancer
What's new in the 8th Edition
Whipple procedure
WHO classification of precursor lymphoid neoplasms,
WHO grading system for selected tumors of the CNS
World Health Organization (WHO)
Worst pattern of invasion (WPOI)
Zubrod/ECOG performance scale
“WPOI-5” describes a dispersed tumor pattern of invasion which is significantly predictive of worst outcome
Displaying items 1051 - 1074 of 1074