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Overall survival according to pathological T-category, AJCC 7th edition
Overall survival according to the N descriptors for clinically staged tumors (From Asamura et al
Overall survival according to the N descriptors for pathologically staged tumors including all types of resection (R0, R1 and R2) (From Asamura et al
Overall survival according to the proposed T categories for the 8th Edition of the TNM classification for clinically staged T1-T4N0M0 tumors
Overall survival according to the proposed T categories for the 8th Edition of the TNM classification for pathologically staged T1-T4N0M0R0 tumors
Overall survival according to “best stage” N-category, AJCC 8th edition
Overall survival according to “best stage” T-category, AJCC 8th edition
Overall survival according to “best” overall stage, AJCC 8th edition
Overall survival according to “best” overall stage, AJCC 8th edition, for a) cases with epithelioid histology
Overall survival according to “best” overall stage, AJCC 8th edition, for cases with non-epithelioid histology
Overall survival after surgical resection of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma at Nagoya University, Japan
Overall Survival based on 7th Edition AJCC/UICC stage groupings using 8th edition T and N criteria
Overall survival based on 7th edition AJCC/UICC Stage groupings with 8th edition T and N criteria
Overall survival based on 8thEdition N criteria (MSKCC-PMH Data)
Overall Survival based on 8thEdition N criteria that incorporate ENE as a prognostic factor
Overall survival based on 8th Edition N-Stage criteria (MSKCC-PMH Data)
Overall Survival based on 8th edition N-Stage criteria that incorporate ENE as a prognostic factor
Overall Survival based on 8th edition T-Stage criteria
Overall survival based on 8th Edition T-Stage criteria (MSKCC-PMH Data)
Overall Survival based on Kaplan Meier methods were used to perform cancer-specific analyses predicting overall survival as the endpoint on a population of oral cavity cancer patients from MSKCC and PMH
Overall survival comparisons between adjacent stage categories
Overall survival for each clinical stage group for colorectal primary NETs
Overall survival for each pathological stage group for colorectal primary NETs
Overall survival from the NCDB, stage stratified for mucinous histology
Overall survival from the NCDB, stage stratified for nonmucinous histology
Overall survival from the NCDB, stratified by histologic type
Overall survival from the NCDB for Stage IV, stratified by histological grade for mucinous histology
Overall survival from the NCDB for Stage IV, stratified by histological grade for nonmucinous histology
Overall survival graph and 2- and 5-year overall survival rates for 8th Edition clinical stages (From Goldstraw P et al
Overall survival graph and 2- and 5-year overall survival rates for 8th Edition pathological stages (From Goldstraw P et al
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