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Paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity
Parasympathetic paragangliomas (PPGs)
Parathyroid carcinoma
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Pathological criteria
Pathological criteria identifying multifocal ground-glass/lepidic lung adenocarcinoma
Pathological criteria to categorize a lesion as a separate tumor nodule (intrapulmonary metastasis)
Pathological stage (pTNM) and overall survival in gastric cancer patients who underwent surgical resection with adequate lymphadenectomy (D2) without prior chemotherapy or radiation therapy, stratified by pathological stage groupings, based on IGCA data (2000-2004; only patients with complete 5-year follow-up were included, n = 25,411)
Pathological stage and 1-, 3-, and 5-year and median overall survivals in patients with gastric cancer who received curative surgery, stratified by pathological stage groupings, based on IGCA data
Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9)
Pelvic segments for staging
Penile Urethra
Perihilar Bile Ducts
Pheochromocytomas (PHs)
Platelet serotonin release assay
pN1a is defined as clinically occult regional lymph node metastasis following lymph node dissection
pN1b is defined as clinically apparent and/or radiologically detected regional lymph node metastasis
pN1 is defined as one-two unilateral inguinal metastases, no extra nodal extension
pN2 is defined as three or more unilateral metastases or bilateral metastases
pN3 is defined as extra nodal extension of lymph node metastases or pelvic lymph node metastases
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Post-neoadjuvant therapy stage (ypTNM) and 1-, 3-, and 5-year and median overall survivals in patients with gastric cancer, stratified by ypStage groupings, based on NCDB data
Post-neoadjuvant therapy stage (ypTNM) and overall survival in patients who underwent surgical resection and were given chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy before surgery, stratified by ypStage groupings, based on NCDB data (2004-2008; median follow-up, 23 months; n = 683)
Displaying items 751 - 780 of 1114