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Schematic Depiction of the Changes in Drug Concentration during Continuous Infusion of a Drug (Green Line Indicates Maintenance of a Therapeutic Concentration) or Intermittent Bolus Injection of a Drug (Orange Line Indicates That the Drug Concentration is Often above or below the Desired Therapeutic Concentration)
Schematic Diagram Illustrating the Role of Opioids in Analgesia of Peripheral Inflammation
Schematic Diagram of the Mapleson Systems
Schematic of Reduced Cardiac Reserve in Fetal and Newborn Animal Hearts Compared with Adult Hearts
Schematic of the Cervical Plexus, Which Arises from the Anterior Primary Rami of C2-C4
Schematic Representation of Blood Flow in the Left and Right Coronary Arteries during Phases of the Cardiac Cycle
Schematic Representation of Peripheral and Spinal Mechanism Involved in Neuroplasticity
Schematic Representation of the “Bloody Vicious Cycle” or “Lethal Triad.”
Schematic Curve of the Effect of a Drug Plotted Against Dose
Schematic Depiction of the Four Stages of Synthesis and Release of Thyroid Hormone
Schematic Diagram of the Efferent Autonomic Nervous System
Schematic Distribution of the Craniosacral (Parasympathetic) and Thoracolumbar (Sympathetic) Nervous Systems
Schematic of the Brachial Plexus
Schematic of the Neurochemistry of Somatosensory Processing at Peripheral Sensory Nervy Endings
Schematic Representation of Fetal and Neonatal Circulation
Schematic Representation of the Neuromuscular Junction
Shunt Fraction (Top Panel) and Alveolar-Arterial Oxygen Gradient (Bottom Panel) Before, during, and after One-Lung Ventilation (Olv) in Patients Anesthetized with Desflurane or Isoflurane
Simulated Drug Level Curves When a Constant Infusion is Administered after a Full Dose (Curve A), a Smaller Loading Dose (Curve B), and No Loading Dose (Curve C)
Simplified Adult Basic Life Support (BLS) Algorithm
Site of Action of Commonly Available Diuretics
Stress Hormone Responses to a Rapid Increase in Anesthetic Concentration from 4% to 12% Inspired
Synthesis of Catecholamines
Static Lung Volumes of Infants and Adults
Summary of Secondary Hemostasis and the Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Common Coagulation Pathways
Systemic Hemodynamic Response to Aortic Unclamping
Displaying items 1 - 25 of 25
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