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Characteristics of Depolarizing Block
Chemical Structure of Commonly Used Opioids
Chemical Structures of Clinical Anticholinesterases
Chemical Structures of Direct-Acting Cholinomimetic Esters and Alkaloids
Circumduction of the Arm Displacing the Scapula and Stretching the Suprascapular Nerve Between its Anchoring Points at the Cervical Spine and the Suprascapular Notch
Classification and Mechanism of Fetal Heart Rate Patterns
Clinical Course and Serologic Profiles of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B
Clinical Sequence for Initial Management of the Major Trauma Patient
Codeine Metabolism Pathway in an Individual with Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) Extensive Metabolism
Common Positioning Options for Urologic Surgery Include Right Lateral Decubitus with Waist Extension (A), Lithotomy (B), Supine with Steep (30 to 45 Degrees) Trendelenburg (C), and Exaggerated Lithotomy (D)
Comparison of the Balance in the Biologic Actions of Prostacyclin and Thromboxane in Normal Pregnancy with the Imbalance of Increased Thromboxane and Decreased Prostacyclin in Preeclamptic Pregnancy
Complicating Anatomic Factors in Infants
Components of the Circle Breathing System
Compressed Air Injection Technique (CAIT) Used to Avoid High Injection Pressure; 50% Compression of Air Volume Within the Syringe Corresponds to an Injection Pressure of 760 mmHg
Conclusion of the Surgical Procedure
Connection of the Intrathecal Catheter to the Programmable Pump and Confirmation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Prior to Placement in the Pocket
Configuration of the Adult (A) Versus the Infant (B) Larynx
Consecutive Measurements of Sympathetic Nerve Activity (SNA; Mean ± SE) from Human Volunteers During Induction of Anesthesia with Propofol and the Subsequent Mask Administration of Sevoflurane or Desflurane for a 10-Minute Period
Context-Sensitive Half-Time of Intravenous Anesthetics
Continuum of Ventilation-perfusion Relationships
Correlation of Hemoglobin A1c with Average Glucose
Courses of the Terminal Nerves of the Upper Extremity
Cross-Sectional Schematic Illustration Demonstrating the Structural Relationship Between the Troponin-tropomyosin Complex and Actin Under Resting Conditions (Left Panel) and after Ca[2+] Binding to Troponin C (Right Panel, See Text)
Cumulative Incidence of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture, According to Aneurysm Diameter at Diagnosis
Current Density is Localized to the Needle Tip When Using Nonconducting Solutions (e.g., D5W), Thereby Maintaining the Motor Response to the Threshold Current Level During Nerve Stimulation
Cutaneous Innervation of the Upper Extremity
Context-Sensitive Half-Time As a Function of Infusion Duration
Context-Sensitive Half-Times, or the Time to a 50% Drop in Plasma Concentration (Cp) Versus Infusion Duration for Remifentanil, Fentanyl, and Sufentanil
Conventional Neurosurgical Sitting Position
Correlation of Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure with Age in 85 Normal-Term Infants Studied During the First 3 Days of Life
Displaying items 31 - 60 of 64