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Abernethy malformation
Adler sign
Alagille syndrome
Amyand's hernia
Apley's law
Arantius duct
Auenbrugger's sign
Auerbach's plexus
Australia antigen
Ballance's sign
Banti's syndrome
Barrett's esophagus
Batson's plexus
Bazex's syndrome
Bernstein test
Billroth's cords
Billroth I
Billroth II
Blumberg sign
Blumer shelf
Boas's sign
Bochdalek hernia
Boerhaave's syndrome
Bouveret syndrome
Brainerd diarrhea
Brooke ileostomy
Brunner's glands
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Byler's disease
Cajal, interstitial cells of
Calot's triangle
Cameron lesions
Cantlie's line
Carnett's test
Caroli's disease
Castle intrinsic factor
Charcot's triad
Chilaiditi syndrome
Child-Pugh classification system
Clichy criteria
Cooper's hernia
Councilman bodies
Courvoisier's law
Courvoisier gallbladder
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Crohn's disease
Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
Cruveihiler-Baumgarten bruit
Cullen's sign
Curling's ulcers
Cushing's ulcer
Dance's sign
Dane particle
Denver shunt
Devon family syndrome
Dieulafoy lesion
Disse, space of
Drummond, marginal artery of
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Dukes staging
Dunphy sign
Epping jaundice
fetor hepaticus
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Fothergill's sign
Fox's sign
Gandy-Gamna nodules
Gardner's syndrome
gastrinoma triangle
Gilbert's syndrome
Glauber's salt
Glisson's capsule
Goodsall's rule
Graham patch
Grey Turner's sign
Griffith's point
Hampton's line
Hannington-Kiff sign
Hartmann's procedure
Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty
Heister, spiral valves of
Hering, canals of
Hesselbach's triangle
Heyde's syndrome
Hirschsprung's disease
Houston, valve of
Howell-Evans syndrome
Irish's node
Ito cells
Ivor Lewis procedure
Jamaican vomiting sickness
Kasai procedure
Kayser-Fleischer rings
Kehr's sign
Kerckring's valves
Killian-Jamieson area
Klatskin tumors
Kocher's incision
Kocher's maneuver
Krukenberg's tumor
Kupffer cells
Laennec's cirrhosis
Laimer triangle
Laplace's law
Laterjet, nerve of
Lenk's triad
LeVeen shunt
Lieberkühn, crypts of
Littre's hernia
Lund's node
Luschka, ducts of
Lynch syndrome I
Lynch syndrome II
Mackler triad
Maddrey discriminant function
Mallory body
Mallory-Weiss tears
Malone procedure
Markle sign
Mattox maneuver
Mayo, veins of
McBurney's point
McBurney's sign
Meckel's diverticulum
Meckel scan
Mediterranean fever, familial
Meigs's syndrome
Meissner's plexus
Mendelson's syndrome
Ménétrier's disease
Mirizzi's syndrome
Morgagni's hernia
Morrison's pouch
Muir-Torre syndrome
Murphy's sign
Murphy drip
Naclerio, V sign of
Nardi test
Nissen fundoplication
Norwalk virus
Oddi, sphincter of
Ogilvie's syndrome
Ormond's disease
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
Paneth cells
Patterson-Brown-Kelly syndrome
Pearson syndrome
Petersen's hernia
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Poupart's ligament
Pringle maneuver
psoas sign
Puestow procedure
Purtscher's angiopathic retinopathy
Raisinghani sign
Ranson's criteria
Rapunzel syndrome
Retzius, veins of
Reye's syndrome
Reynold's pentad
Richter's hernia
Riedel's lobe
Rigler's sign
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
Rosenbach's sign
Rotor's syndrome
Roux-en-Y anastomosis
Rovsing's sign
Saint's triad
Santorini, duct of
Sappey, veins of
Schatzki's ring
Schwartz's dictum
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
Shah-Waardenburg syndrome
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
silk glove sign
Sippy powders
Sister Mary Joseph nodule
Spigelian hernia
Stauffer's syndrome
Stoppa repair
Sudeck's point
Sugiura procedure
Tamm-Horsfall protein
Terry's nails
Toldt, white lines of
Traube's space
Treitz, ligament of
Turcot's syndrome
Valentino's syndrome
Van den Bergh reaction
Vanek tumor
Vater, ampulla
Verner-Morrison syndrome
von Myenburg complexes
Waardenburg's syndrome
Warren shunt
Whipple's disease
Whipple procedure
Wilkie's disease
Wilson's disease
Winslow, foramen of
Wirsung, duct of
Zahn, infarct of
Zenker's diverticulum
Zieve's syndrome
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Geographic eponyms
Australia antigen
Balkan nephropathy
Baltic myoclonus
Bogota bag
Bombay phenotype
Brainerd diarrhea
Brompton's cocktail
Buruli ulcer
Cagot ear
caisson disease
Chuvash polycythemia
Dallas criteria
Denver shunt
Duke criteria for endocarditis
Epping jaundice
Flatbush diabetes
Guam disease
Haff disease
Haw River syndrome
Hawthorne effect
hemoglobin Lepore
hemoglobin Portland
Jamaican vomiting sickness
Jerusalem syndrome
Jumping Frenchmen of Maine syndrome
Katayama fever
Kew Gardens spotted fever
La Crosse encephalitis
Lassa fever
Lyme disease
Madura foot
Malta fever
Mediterranean anemia
Mediterranean fever, familial
Mediterranean thromboctyopenia
Mississippi mud
Montreal platelet syndrome
Naxos disease
Norwalk virus
Norwegian scabies
Ottawa ankle rules
Parkland formula
Pisa syndrome
Pittsburgh pneumonia agent
Pontiac fever
Quebec platelet disorder
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
San Joaquin valley fever
Sapporo criteria
Silk Road disease
Stockholm syndrome
Swedish porphyria
Tangier disease
Vietnamese time bomb
Adler sign
Antley-Bixler syndrome
Asherman's syndrome
Bartholin's gland
Brenner tumor
Call-Exner bodies
Chadwick's sign
Cullen's sign
Doderlein's lactobacilli
Douglas, pouch of
Fournier's gangrene
Graafian follicle
Grafenberg spot
Hunter's ligament
Kegel exercises
Kelly's sign
Krukenberg's tumor
Ladin's sign
Lipschultz ulcer
Lynch syndrome II
Maffucci's syndrome
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome
Meigs's syndrome
Morgagni, hydatids of
Mullerian duct
Mullerian inhibiting substance
Nägele's rule
Paget's disease of vulva
Pap smear
Pfannenstiel's incision
Sampson's artery
Schiller-Duval body
Shelley's sign
Sims-Huhner test
Skene's glands
Stein-Leventhal syndrome
Word catheter
Yuzpe regimen
Displaying items 1 - 3 of 3