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Taking a Tympanic Temperature
Technique for Palpating Bartholin Gland
Test for Obturator Sign
Test for Psoas Sign
Testing Balance: Tandem Walking
Testing Coordination: Finger-to-Nose Test
Testing Corneal Reflex with Wisp of Cotton
Testing Cranial Nerve I
Testing Cranial Nerves IX and X: Checking Uvula Rise and Gag Reflex
Testing Cranial Nerve XI: Assessing Strength of Sternocleidomastoid Muscle
Testing Cranial Nerve XI: Assessing Strength of Trapezius Muscle
Testing for Ankle Clonus
Testing for Arterial Insufficiency by (Left) Elevating the Legs and Then (Right) Having the Client Dangle the Legs
Testing Motor Function of Cranial Nerve V
Testing Position Sense (Kinesthesia)
Testing Rapid Alternating Movements: Palms
Testing Sensory Function of Cranial Nerve V: Dull Stimulus Using a Paper Clip
Tests for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The Cardiac Cycle Consists of Filling and Ejection
The Ear
The Heart and Major Blood Vessels Lie Centrally in the Chest Behind the Protective Sternum
The Infant Head
The Lacrimal Apparatus Consists of Tear (Lacrimal) Glands and Ducts
The Lymph Nodes Drain Impurities from the Breasts (Arrows Show Direction)
The Middle-Aged Adult is Able to Mentor Young Adults in the Workplace Because He or She Has Increased Problem Solving Abilities and Life Experience
The Nail and Related Structures
The Scratch Test
The Skin and Hair Follicles
The Spine is Rounded in Infants Less Than the Age of 3 Months
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 38