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Loss of control (transport vehicle) NEC - see [Accident, transport]
Lost at sea NOS - see [Drowning, due to, fall overboard]
Low - External Cause
Lying before train, vehicle or other moving object - External Cause
Lynching - see (Assault)
Malfunction (mechanism or component) (of) - External Cause
Maltreatment - see (Perpetrator)
Mangled (accidentally) NOS [X58]
Manhandling (in brawl, fight) - External Cause
Manslaughter (nonaccidental) - see (Assault)
Mauled by animal NEC [W55.89]
Medical procedure, complication of (delayed or as an abnormal reaction without mention of misadventure) - External Cause
Melting (due to fire) - External Cause
Mental cruelty [X58]
Military operations (injuries to military and civilians occuring during peacetime on military property and during routine military exercises and operations) (by) (from) (involving) - External Cause
Misadventure (s) to patient(s) during surgical or medical care - External Cause
Mismatched blood in transfusion [Y65.0]
Motion sickness [T75.3]
Mountain sickness [W94.11]
Mudslide (of cataclysmic nature) - see (Landslide)
Murder (attempt) - see (Assault)
Nail - External Cause
Neglect (criminal) (homicidal intent) [X58]
Noise (causing injury) (pollution) - External Cause
Nonadministration (of) - External Cause
Nosocomial condition [Y95]
Object - External Cause
Overdose (drug) - External Cause
Overexertion - External Cause
Overexposure (accidental) (to) - External Cause
Displaying items 151 - 180 of 310