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Overview of Thromboelastogram Parameters
Parasternal Long-Axis Transthoracic Echocardiogram Probe Position
Parasternal Long-Axis Transthoracic Echocardiographic Image
Parasternal Short-Axis Aortic Valve and Great Vessels Probe Position
Parasternal Short-Axis Aortic Valve and Great Vessels Transthoracic Echocardiographic Image
Parasternal Short-Axis Apical Transthoracic Echocardiographic Image
Parasternal Short-Axis Basal Transthoracic Echocardiographic Image
Parasternal Short-Axis Midpapillary Transthoracic Echocardiographic Image
Patterns of Periodic Fetal Heart Rate (Fhr) Decelerations in Relation to Uterine Contractions
Position of Properly Inserted Laryngeal Mask Airway
Pulmonary Artery Catheter (Pac) and Pressure Waveforms that Will Be Encountered As It is Inserted into the Wedged Position from the Right Internal Jugular Vein
Radial Artery Cannulation Using the Transfixing Technique
Ratio of Alveolar to Inspired Gas Concentration (F<sub>a</Sub>/F<sub>i</Sub>) As a Function of Time at Constant Cardiac Output and Minute Ventilation
Rectus Sheath Block Using Ultrasound Guidance
Regional Anesthesia Bay and Team
Representative Circle Breathing System with Ventilator
Retrobulbar and Peribulbar Blocks
Right Ventricular Inflow Transthoracic Echocardiographic Image
Rule of Nines (Lung and Browder Chart)
Sacral Anatomy, Lateral View
Schematic of an Anesthesia Machine
Schematic Representation of Train-of-Four (Tof) Responses to a Depolarizing (A) and a Nondepolarizing (B) Muscle Relaxant, Showing the Control Response Before the Relaxant (a) and Afterward (B, C, D)
Sciatic Nerve Block with Popliteal Fossa Approach Using Ultrasound Guidance
Sciatic Nerve Block with Subgluteal Approach Using Ultrasound Guidance
Skin Dermatomes Corresponding to Respective Sensory Innervation by Spinal Nerves
Spectrogram of Dexmedetomidine Showing Both Spindles (9-15 Hz) and Slow Wave (0.1-1 Hz) Oscillations at Low Doses and a Predominance of Slow-Wave Oscillations at High Doses
Spectrogram of Nitrous Oxide During a Transition from Isoflurane As the Anesthetic to Nitrous Oxide, As May Occur Clinically Toward the End of Surgery to Facilitate Emergence
Spectrogram of Propofol Showing a Pathologic Alpha Oscillation (8-12 Hz), Which Corresponds with Prevention of Communication Between the Thalamus and Cortex, and Slow Wave (0.1-1 Hz) Cortical Fragmentation
Spectrogram of Sevoflurane Showing an Alpha (8-12 Hz) and Slow Wave (0.1-1 Hz) Oscillation at Low Concentration and the “fill in” Effect at High Concentrations of Anesthetic
Spinal Column Curvatures that Influence the Spread of Anesthetic Solutions
Displaying items 61 - 90 of 121
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