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Tumor markers
Tuning Fork Tests
T waves
Type 2 diabetes, ACTH levels in
Type and screen (T&S)
Typhoid fever, copper levels in
Tyrosinemia type 1
Tyrosinosis, amino acid screen, blood and urine, in
Tyrosinuria, amino acid screen, blood and urine, for
Tzanck smear
Ullrich-Turner syndrome
Ultra rapid metabolizer (UM)
Ultrasound, A-Scan
Ultrasound densitometry
Ultraviolet light, WBC count, blood smear and differential, and
Unbound calcium
Unconjugated/indirect bilirubin
Underventilated alveoli, alveolar/arterial gradient and arterial/alveolar oxygen in
Ungulate spongiform encephalopathy
Unstable angina pectoris, troponins I and T and
Upper Gastrointestinal and Small Bowel Series
Upper GI endoscopy
Upper respiratory tract infection
Displaying items 2731 - 2760 of 2936