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Tibial spine fracture
Torticollis typically produces lateral flexion to one side and rotation to the other
Treatment of DDH with a Pavlik harness
Typical appearance of lumbar spina bifida before closure
Typical cranial deformation and basilar invagination in a patient with OI
Typical features of type III OI include long, thin, bowed, osteopenic bones
Untreated clubfeet in a 9 yr old
Vertical talus produces a dorsal crease and a plantar prominence
With a bite to the hand, the extensor injury usually is proximal to the skin laceration because the MCP joint is flexed at the time of injury
X-rays showing vertical talus on routine lateral (A) and plantarflexion lateral (B) radiographs
13-yr-old boy with adolescent genu varum
3-phase positive bone scans consistent with osteomyelitis of the right great toe
72[degree] thoracic kyphosis in a teenager with Scheuermann kyphosis
Above-the-knee corrective cast for clubfoot
A bunion is produced by an underlying imbalance of the soft tissues and extrinsic pressure
A characteristic separation between the 3rd and 4th fingers leads to the 'trident hand' of achondroplasia
A diagnosis of popliteal cyst in a child may be confirmed by transillumination
A diseased lateral meniscus lacks the normal semilunar shape and covers the entire lateral side of the tibia
A giant cell tumor arises in the epiphysis but may expand into the metaphysis
An angulated, isolated ulna fracture causes the radial head to dislocate
An extensor tendon laceration or avulsion over the DIP joint will heal with a finger splint
Ankle fractures or other injuries may be splinted by a 'sugar tong' method of using a layer of padding, fiberglass, or plaster and an elastic (Ace) bandage
Anteroposterior radiograph of total ankle arthroplasty (replacement)
Appearance of Schmorl nodes in three different patients
Applying a sugar-tong splint for humeral shaft fractures
AP radiograph of a left hip
AP radiograph of a normal elbow
AP radiograph of a right hip with osteoarthritis
AP radiograph showing an accessory navicular
A relatively high arch, which may be flexible or rigid, characterizes a cavus foot
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 196