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In trigger finger, a nodule in the tendon sheath prevents it from sliding under the pulley
IP dislocation is reduced by longitudinal traction and gentle flexion
IP joint dislocations are almost always dorsal because of hyperextension injuries
Kienbock disease is AVN of the lunate, usually followed by flattering of this bone (stippled)
Klippel-Feil syndrome is congenital cervical fusion
Knee injection
Kohler disease is AVN of the tarsal navicular, which usually produces compression of this bone (stippled)
Lateral (A) and oblique (B) views of spondylolytic spondylolisthesis
Lateral radiograph of ankle arthrodesis (fusion)
Lateral radiograph of a normal elbow
Lateral radiograph of the tibia showing the tapering and cyst formation typical of congenital pseudarthrosis
Lisfranc dislocation occurs at the midfoot joints, usually with substantial trauma
Little League elbow results from valgus strain overload, which results in tension medially and compression laterally in the growing elbow
Long collapsing curve in boy with DMD
Macrodactyly of the foot in a 2 yr old Note the central involvement, syndactyly, involvement is greatest plantarly and distally, and contralateral normal foot
Mallet finger splint before taping
MCL injuries may be graded as follows: I, microscopic strain; II, partial tear; or III, complete tear
Metatarsus adductus is characterized by a deviated forefoot but a normal hindfoot and ankle
Modified Waldenstrom Classification
Monteggia type 1 fracture
MRI demonstrates herniation of disc at L4-L5 and L4-S1
MRI of an ACL rupture of the femur
Normal posterior spinal elements (left) are disrupted in spina bifida (right)
Note the normal appearance of the calcaneal apophysis is sclerotic and irregular
Nursemaid's elbow is a strain or a tear in the annular ligament around the radial neck
Nursemaid's elbow usually is reduced by flexion and supination
Olecranon fractures involve the proximal ulna and enter the elbow joint
PA, oblique, and lateral radiographs of a ring finger metacarpal neck (boxer's fracture)
Patellofemoral dislocation is almost always lateral
Patients who previously experienced patellofemoral subluxation or dislocation exhibit a positive apprehension sign when the patella is pushed laterally
Displaying items 91 - 120 of 196