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A: A 65-Year-Old Patient with Non-Q Wave Infarction due to Left Main Trunk Subocclusion
A: Anterior View of the Shoulder
A: Chalazion Viewed from Internal Eyelid Showing the Yellow Lipogranulomatous Material
A: Colonic Angioectasia Characterized by its Bright Red Appearance
A: ECG at Initial Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (Preablation) Demonstrates a Wpw Pattern
A: Eosinophilic Pneumonitis
A: Esophageal Varices: Upper Endoscopy Demonstrates Four Columns of Esophageal Varices
A: External Hordeolum (Black Arrow) and an Internal Hordeolum (White Arrow)
A: Hyperviscosity Syndrome on Funduscopic Examination of a Patient with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia
A: Inflammatory Acne Showing Pustules and Nodules in a 17-Year-Old Boy who Uses a Helmet While Playing Football in High School
A: Lateral View of the Elbow Flexed to 90 Degrees
A: Left Infrarenal Pheochromocytoma Shown by CT Scanning
A: Pleural Effusion
A: Polymorphous Light Eruption on the Arm of a Young Man
A: Sinus Rhythm with Frequent Premature Ventricular Complexes in a Pattern of Bigeminy
A: Tinea Corporis Covering the Buttocks and not Showing Areas of Central Clearing
A: Under High-Definition, White-Light Endoscopy, Columnar Epithelium is Visible Extending into the Distal Esophagus in a Circumferential Manner
A 12-Lead ECG of Torsades De Pointes
A 36-Year-Old Man with Pulmonary Tuberculosis-Figure
Acanthosis Nigricans of the Nape of the Neck, with Typical Dark and Velvety Appearance
According to These Recommendations, if AOBP Measurements are not Available, Blood Pressures Recorded Manually in the Office May be Substituted if Taken as the Mean of the Last Two Readings of Three Consecutive Readings
Acne Rosacea-Figure: Close-Up of Papules
Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans
Active Bleeding Obscured an Underlying Duodenal Ulcer
Acute Anterior Wall Mi with Rbbb
Acute Dacryocystitis
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 156