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Comparison of Intravascular Pressures in the Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations
Comparison of the Composition of Body Weight to Caloric Stores
Complete Pulmonary Function Testing Will Provide Data on Lung Volumes and Capacities to Differentiate Obstructive from Restrictive Lung Diseases
Computer Simulation-Derived Context-Sensitive Half-Times (Time Necessary for the Plasma Concentration to Decrease 50% after Discontinuation of the Infusion) As a Function of the Duration of the IV Infusion
Concentration Versus Response Curves for Drugs With Differing Efficacies
Connections of the Ducts of the Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreas
Context-Sensitive Half-Times As a Function of the Duration of Intravenous Drug Infusion for Each Fentanyl, Alfentanil, Sufentanil, Propofol, Midazolam, and Thiopental
Countercurrent Exchange of Water and Solutes in the Vasa Recta
Cross-Section of the Spinal Cord, Showing the Dorsal (Posterior) and Ventral (Anterior) Roots
Cumulative Curves for Patients Who Did Not Request an Additional Morphine Injection Following Discontinuation of Remifentanil (Dashed Line) or Desflurane (Solid Line)
Decerebration Does Not Change the Minimum Alveolar Anesthetic Concentration of Isoflurane in Rats Confirming that the Effects of Volatile Anesthetics on the Spinal Cord Determine MAC
Depiction of the Thoracic Duct and Right Lymphatic Duct As They Enter the Venous System
Dermatome Map that May Be Used to Evaluate the Level of Sensory Anesthesia Produced by Regional Anesthesia
Determinants of Cardiac Output
Diagrammatic Representation of Osmosis Depicting Water Molecules (Open Circles) and Solute Molecules (Solid Circles) Separated by a Semipermeable Membrane Water Molecules Move Across the Semipermeable Membrane to the Area of Higher Concentration of Solute Molecules
Diagram of the Fetal Circulation
Diagram of the Glottis As Seen from above Using a Laryngoscope or Fiberoptic Bronchoscope
Diagram of the Larynx from the Base of the Tongue to below the Thyroid Cartilage As Viewed from its Posterior Aspect
Diagram of the Trachea, Lobar, and Segmental Bronchi Showing Median Lengths and Diameters for a 170 Cm Height Patient
Dissociation Curves of Normal Adult (Hba) and Fetal (Hbf) Hemoglobin
Distribution of Blood Flow (Perfusion) and Alveolar Ventilation and the Ventilation-to-Perfusion Ratio (Va/Q) As a Function of the Distance from the Base of the Lung (to the Left in the Figure) to the Apex (to the Right)
Distribution of Blood Volume in the Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation
Dose Versus Response Relationship for Three Drugs With Potency
Double Helical Structurechr(10)of DNA With Adenine Bonding to Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C) tochr(10)Guanine (G)
Droperidol Produces Dose-Dependent Prolongation of the Antegrade and Retrograde Effective Refractory Period of Accessory Pathways
Drug Exposure (Dose, Concentration, Etc) Versus Drug Effect Relationship
Effect of Aging on Gas Exchange
Effect of Aging on Lung Volumes
Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Venous Pressures Throughout the Body
Effect of the Mode of Ventilation on the Rate of Increase of the Alveolar Concentration (Fa) of Halothane Toward the Inspired Concentration (Fi) As Determined in an Animal Model Negative-Feedback Inhibition of Spontaneous Ventilation Limits the Fa/Fi to 0
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 260