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Electrical Axis of the Heart As Determined from the Standard Limb Leads of the Electrocardiogram
Electrolyte Compositionchr(10)of Body Fluid Compartments
Elimination of Inhaled Anesthetics is Defined As the Ratio of the End-Tidal Anesthetic Concentration (Fa) to the Fa Immediately Before the Beginning of Elimination (Fao) The Rate of Decrease (Awakening from Anesthesia) in the Fa/Fao is Most Rapid With the Anesthetics that are Least Soluble in Blood (Nitrous Oxide, Desflurane, Sevoflurane)
Endogenous Corticosteroids
Erythromycin, 200 mg Intravenously over 15 Minutes, Followed by Ingestion of a Radioactive-Labeled Meal (Scrambled Egg, Toast, and Water) Resulted in More Rapid Emptying of Solids and Liquids (IV Solids and IV Liquids) in Patients With Diabetic Gastroparesis and Patients Without Diabetes Compared With Gastric Emptying Times in the Absence of Erythromycin (Basal Solids and Basal Liquids)
Ester and Amide Local Anesthetics
Etomidate, but Not Thiopental, is Associated With Decreases in the Plasma Concentrations of Cortisol
Events Triggered by Hypoxia Leading to Cell Death
Excess Protamine Contributes to Elevations in the Activated Clotting Time (ACT), at Excesses of the Exact Dose Required to Reverse Systemic Anticoagulation Thus, Overdosage of Protamine Should Be Strictly Avoided
Factors Affecting the Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow During One-Lung Ventilation (OLV)
Fentanyl and Alfentanil Arterial Concentrations (Circles) and Electroencephalographic (EEG) Response (Irregular Line) to an Intravenous Infusion Alfentanil Shows a Less Time Lag Between the Rise and Fall of Arterial Concentration and the Rise and Fall of EEG Response Than Fentanyl Because It Equilibrates With the Brain More Quickly
Fentanyl Infusion Rate to Maintain a Plasma Concentration of 1 chr(956)G/Hr The Rate Starts Off Quite High Because Fentanyl is Avidly Taken Up by Body Fat
Fetal-Maternal Arterial (Fa/Ma) Lidocaine Ratios are Greater During Acidemia Compared With a Normal pH
Fibrinogen is Converted to Fibrin that Polymerizes by the Action of Thrombin The Electron Micrograph Shows a Fibrin Clot With Red Blood Cells Trapped
First-Degree Av Block
Fraction of Halothane Removed During Passage through the Liver at Progressively Decreasing Alveolar Concentrations
Gamma-Cyclodextrin (A) and Sugammadex (Modified gamma-Cyclodextrin) (B)
Gas Exchange is Maximally Effective in Normal Lung Units With Optimal Ventilation to Perfusion (V/Q) Relationships
Gastric Emptying of Liquids is Exponential, Whereas Emptying of Solids is a Linear Process
Glucagon Stimulates Tissue Release of Glucose, Free Fatty Acids, and Ketoacids and Hepatic Uptake of Amino Acids
Graphic Representation of the Typical Triphasic Core Temperature Pattern that Occurs after Induction of Anesthesia Note that the Phase 3 Plateau May Not Occur, Particularly During Regional Anesthesia or During Combined Regional and General Anesthesia
Hematocrit Greatly Influences the Viscosity of Blood
Hemodynamic Response to Rapid Intravenous Injection of Phenylephrine in a Single Patient
Heparin Administration
Hepatic Damage May Occur in the Rat Model after Administration of Inhaled or Injected Drugs When the Inhaled Oxygen Concentration is 10% Conversely, Hepatic Damage Occurs after Administration of Halothane, but Not Enflurane or Isoflurane, When the Inhaled Concentration of Oxygen is 12% or 14%
Histamine Release (%) from Dispersed Human Cutaneous Mast Cells after the Administration of Vancomycin
Hydration of Carbon Dioxide Results in Carbonic Acid (H2co3), Which Can Subsequently Dissociate into Bicarbonate and Hydrogen Ions
Illustration of Gate Theory for Pain Modulation in Spinal Dorsal Horn
Impact of Surgical Stimulation on the Resting Paco2 (Mm Hg) During Administration of Isoflurane or Halothane
Impact of Volatile Anesthetics on Contractility of Uterine Smooth Muscle Strips Studied in Vitro *p >
Displaying items 91 - 120 of 260