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Maximum Percent Increases in Heart Rate (HR)
Mechanism of Action of the Three Classes of Calcium Channel Blockers
Mechanomyographic Recording During Recovery from 10 mg/Kg Succinylcholine
Metabolism of Nutrients in Cells is Directed Toward the Ultimate Synthesis of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Energy Necessary for Physiologic Processes and Chemical Reactions is Derived from the High-Energy Phosphate Bonds of ATP
Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach)
Mobitz Type II
Model of the gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Receptor Forming a Chloride Channel
Multifocal Premature Ventricular Contractions
Neurotransmitters of the Autonomic Nervous System
Opioid Agonist-Antagonists
Opioid Antagonists
Overall Fluid Balance in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract
Peak Plasma Concentrations of Local Anesthetic are Influenced by the Site of Injection for Accomplishment of Regional Anesthesia
Percentage of Patients Developing Ventricular Cardiac Dysrhythmias (Three or More Premature Ventricular Contractions [pvcs]) With Increasing Doses of Submucosal Epinephrine Injected During Administration of 125 MAC of Halothane, Isoflurane, or Enflurane
Pharmacological Systems that Interact With the Vomiting Center
Plasma (Black Line) and Effect-Site (Red Line) Concentrations Following a Bolus Dose of Fentanyl or Alfentanil
Plasma Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
Plasma Concentrations of Potassium Parallel Intake When Aldosterone Activity is Impaired
Plasma Potassium (K+) Concentrations During the Infusion of Potassium Chloride (Kcl) Increase More in Patients Also Receiving Phenylephrine
Pressure Volume Curve for Neonatal and Adult Heart
Pressure-Volume Loop Representing the Cardiac Cycle
Procoagulant Forces (Red) and Natural Anticoagulant/Fibrinolytic Forces (Green) and Diagrammed Dashed Lines Indicated an Inhibitory Effect
Proinsulin, Which is Converted to Insulin by Proteolytic Cleavage of Amino Acids 31, 32, 64, 65, and the Connecting Peptide
Properties of Proposed Medullary Pain-Modulating Neurons
Receptors Have Multiple States, and They Switch Spontaneously Between Them In This Case, the Receptor Has Just Two States
Respiratory Resistance after Tracheal Intubation is Less after Induction of Anesthesia With Propofol Than after Induction of Anesthesia With Thiopental or Etomidate The Solid Squares Represent Four Patients in Whom Audible Wheezing Was Present
Responses to Submucosally Injected Epinephrine in Patients Receiving Desflurane (DES) or Isoflurane (ISO) Anesthesia Pvcs, Premature Ventricular Contractions
Responses to Submucosally Injected Epinephrine in Patients Receiving Sevoflurane (SEVO) or Isoflurane (ISO) Anesthesia
Rifle Criteria
Right Shift of Maternal Hemoglobin Oxygen Dissociation Curve
Displaying items 91 - 120 of 260