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Cafe Au Lait Macule on the Face
Cafe Au Lait Macules (Spots) in a Patient Who Has Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Calcinosis Cutis of the Fourth Finger as Well as Gottron Papules
Cercarial Dermatitis. There are Erythematous Papules on the Patient's Back
Characteristic Shiny, Hypopigmented, Atrophic Plaques of the Vulvar Region with Associated
Chronic Atopic Dermatitis in the Antecubital Fossa
Chronic Paronychia Caused by Cand ida
Circumferential Hypopigmented Atrophic Patches in a Figure 8 Configuration Characteristic
Circumscribed (Plaque) Morphea
Closed Comedones are Small White or Skin-Colored Papules Without Surrounding Erythema
Close-Up View of the Patient in Figure 49
Clustered Vesicles on an Erythematous Base in an Infant with Neonatal
Combined Infantile Hemangioma
Combined Infantile Hemangioma of the Breast
Combined Vascular Malformation
Common Warts Appear as Rough (Ie, Verrucous) Papules
Complete Loss of Eyelashes and Eyebrows in This Child with Alopecia Universalis
Compound Nevus
Condylomata Acuminata Appear as Skin-Colored Papules and Plaques
Condylomata Lata, Flat-Topped Papules and Plaques, Occur in the Diaper Area
Confluent and Reticulate Papillomatosis Often Affects the Upper Back
Congenital Cand idiasis is Characterized by Erythematous Papules, Pustules, and Scaling
Congenital Dermal Melanocytosis. Blue-Gray Hyperpigmented Macules over the Buttocks
Congenital Dermal Melanocytosis. Blue-Gray Patches over the Buttocks and Upper Back
Congenital Melanocytic Nevus
Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Demonstrating Surface Textural Change
Contact Dermatitis Caused by Nickel in a Clothing Snap or Belt
Crops of Scaling Papules are Seen in This Patient with Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica
Cutaneous Larva Migrans. Note the Serpiginous Erythematous Tracts
Cutaneous Larva Migrans. Papules and Serpiginous Plaques on the Lower Extremity
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 33