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Ecthyma Lesion with Central Necrotic Crust
Eczema Herpeticum is Characterized by Vesicles and Monomorphous Erosions
En Coup De Sabre Form of Linear Morphea
Ephelides (Freckles) are Small Tan or Red Macules that Appear in Sun-Exposed Areas
Epidermal Nevus on the Scalp. A Verrucous, Brown, Linear Plaque
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (Localized or Weber-Cockayne Type)
Epidermolytic Ichthyosis. The Skin Takes on a Cobblestone Appearance on the Extremities
Eroded, Crusted Papules on the Lower Abdomen and Suprapubic Area
Erosions, as Seen in This Infant Who Has Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
Erosions, Weeping, and Crusting are Observed When Lesions of Atopic Dermatitis
Erythema, Maceration, and Fissuring of the Corners of the Mouth
Erythema, Scaling, and Increased Skin Markings of the Forefoot in Juvenile
Erythema and Crusting in the Diaper Area of an Infant Who Has Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
Erythema and Edema of the Palms Early in the Course
Erythema and Scaling with Some Associated Hemorrhage in the Posterior Auricular
Erythema Infectiosum Produces a Lacy, Reticulated Erythema on the Extremities
Erythema Multiforme
Erythema Multiforme. Target Lesions May Develop Central Bullae or Vesicles
Erythema of the Inguinal Creases with Scattered Lichenoid, Hemorrhagic Papules
Erythematous, Fine, Papular Eruption Involving the Axilla and Lateral Chest
Erythematous-Crusted Papules of Pityriasis Lichenoides Et Varioliformis Acuta are Seen
Erythematous Erosions in a Patient Who Has Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Erythematous Lichenified Patch in the Antecubital Fossa in Childhood Atopic Dermatitis
Erythematous Macules, Each with a Central Papule, are Typical of Erythema Toxicum
Erythematous Papules (Miliaria Rubra) and Pustules (Miliaria Pustulosa) Located
Erythematous Papules and Plaques on the Right Abdomen and Upper Extremity
Erythematous Papules and Pustules Distributed Widely on the Face and Scalp
Erythematous Papules and Pustules on the Cheek in Infantile Acne
Erythematous Papules and Ruptured Vesicles on the Midfoot in Vesicular Tinea Pedis
Erythematous Papules of Erythema Toxicum Located on the Knee
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 41