Thoroughly revised and updated, this wildly popular and highly respected tool gives access to more of the commonly-used, but rarely memorized clinical information that is needed by nurses and students. This latest update is based on the
4th edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates.
RNotes®: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide, is the preferred tool by nursing educators and students for quick reference of practical, must-know information, needed to deliver safe and effective health care in both hospital and home settings.
Key Features
- NEW Added! 'Nursing Alerts' that highlights critical safety information
- NEW Added! SBAR Communication Technique
- NEW Added! Coverage of wound cultures - condom catheters - assessment overview - sepsis - intravenous access - intravenous continuous infusion - intravenous intermittent infusion
- UPDATED & ENHANCED! Patient safety information - techniques and equipment for medication administration - geriatric content
- NCLEX tips, highlighted throughout, makes it perfect for those preparing for the licensure exam
- HIPAA-and OSHA- compliant
- Interventions and patient education information for the most common conditions
- Coverage of life span considerations as well as complications and emergencies associated with pregnancy and delivery
- Tools for thorough general assessment of the adult patient
- ACLS resuscitation procedures as well as pediatric and neonatal advanced life support information
- Coverage of tracheostomies, bladder scanners, arterial punctures for blood gas analysis, and documentation
- The basics of 12-lead interpretation tailored to nurses with little or no 12-lead experience
- Focus on symptom and patient presentation rather than medical diagnosis
- A more organized assessment approach, focusing on the adult patient with new documentation points - organized by systems
- Updated and expanded coverage of diseases and disorders section, geriatric assessment, pediatric dosages, now included with emergency assessment and selected drugs
- Reorganization of eight sections allow for more intuitive navigation
- Includes 6 built-in medical calculators which assist in making clinical decisions