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Alternative nodal site map used the EORTC
Anatomical sites and subsites of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and esophagus
Anatomical sites and subsites of the supraglottis and glottis
Anatomical subsites of the lip
Anatomic location of the appendix
Anatomic sites and regional lymph nodes for ophthalmic sites
Anatomic sites and subsites of the kidney
Anatomic sites of the ovary
Anatomic sites used in the staging of tumors of the duodenum and ampulla of Vater
Anatomic subsites of the rectum
Anatomy of esophageal cancer primary site, including typical endoscopic measurements of each region measured from the incisors
Anatomy of the pancreas
Anatomy of the penis
Anatomy of the thyroid gland
Axial T1 post-contrast fat-saturated MR imaging demonstrates a large heterogeneous and enhancing left level II mass with ill-defined margins and infiltration into the adjacent fat and sternocleidomastoid muscle
Alternative nodal site map used by the GHSG
Anal cancer (A-C), perianal cancer (D), and skin cancer (E) as visualized with gentle traction placed on the buttocks
Anatomical sites and subsites of the oral cavity
Anatomical sites and subsites of the three regions of the larynx: supraglottis, glottis, and subglottis
Anatomic distribution of hepatic artery, retropancreatic, and inferior pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes (regional nodes)
Anatomic site of the placenta for gestational trophoblastic tumors
Anatomic sites and subsites of the corpus uteri
Anatomic sites and subsites of the vagina
Anatomic sites of the small intestine
Anatomic subsites of the colon
Anatomic subsites of the stomach
Anatomy of the adrenal gland
Anatomy of the parathyroid gland
Anatomy of the pleura
Axial contrast enhanced CT scan in a patient with a left level III enlarged heterogeneous node with ill-defined margins, infiltrating the adjacent fat and sternocleidomastoid muscle
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