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A: A 65-Year-Old Patient with Non-Q Wave Infarction due to Left Main Trunk Subocclusion
A: A Benign, Clean-Based Gastric Ulcer
A: Anterior View of the Shoulder
A: A Smooth, Benign Appearing Peptic Stricture in the Distal Esophagus
A: Chalazion Viewed from Internal Eyelid Showing the Yellow Lipogranulomatous Material
A: Close-Up of CXR Showing Kerley B Lines
A: Colonic Angioectasia Characterized by its Bright Red Appearance
A: Dorsum of the Left Wrist
A: ECG at Initial Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (Preablation) Demonstrates a Wpw Pattern
A: ECG During Spontaneous Chest Pain Showing ST-Segment Elevation in Leads II, III, and Avf
A: Eosinophilic Pneumonitis
A: Erythema Multiforme on the Palm with Target Lesions that Have a Dusky Red and White Center
A: Esophageal Varices: Upper Endoscopy Demonstrates Four Columns of Esophageal Varices
A: External Examination Shows Deformity of the Big Toe Joint
A: External Hordeolum (Black Arrow) and an Internal Hordeolum (White Arrow)
A: Growing 9-mm Compound Dysplastic Nevus on the Back of a 44-Year-Old Man
A: Hyperviscosity Syndrome on Funduscopic Examination of a Patient with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia
A: Hypopyon
A: Inflammatory Acne Showing Pustules and Nodules in a 17-Year-Old Boy who Uses a Helmet While Playing Football in High School
A: Lateral View of the Ankle
A: Lateral View of the Elbow Flexed to 90 Degrees
A: Lateral View of the Knee
A: Left Infrarenal Pheochromocytoma Shown by CT Scanning
A: Plasma Cell Myeloma-Figure
Corneal Rust Stain from Iron Foreign Body (Arrow)
Corneal Stromal Abscess due to Fungal Keratitis (Scedosporium Apiospermum)
Corneoscleral Laceration Inferonasally with Pupil Displaced Toward the Laceration and Iris Incarcerated in Wound
Coronal MRI Showing Large Pituitary Adenoma Elevating and Distorting the Optic Chiasm
Countries and Territories Where Chikungunya Cases Have Been Reported* (as of October 30, 2020)
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 894