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A: A 65-Year-Old Patient with Non-Q Wave Infarction due to Left Main Trunk Subocclusion
A: A Benign, Clean-Based Gastric Ulcer
A: Anterior View of the Shoulder
A: A Smooth, Benign Appearing Peptic Stricture in the Distal Esophagus
A: Chalazion Viewed from Internal Eyelid Showing the Yellow Lipogranulomatous Material
A: Close-Up of CXR Showing Kerley B Lines
A: Colonic Angioectasia Characterized by its Bright Red Appearance
A: Dorsum of the Left Wrist
A: ECG at Initial Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (Preablation) Demonstrates a Wpw Pattern
A: ECG During Spontaneous Chest Pain Showing ST-Segment Elevation in Leads II, III, and Avf
A: Eosinophilic Pneumonitis
A: Erythema Multiforme on the Palm with Target Lesions that Have a Dusky Red and White Center
A: Esophageal Varices: Upper Endoscopy Demonstrates Four Columns of Esophageal Varices
A: External Examination Shows Deformity of the Big Toe Joint
A: External Hordeolum (Black Arrow) and an Internal Hordeolum (White Arrow)
A: Growing 9-mm Compound Dysplastic Nevus on the Back of a 44-Year-Old Man
A: Hyperviscosity Syndrome on Funduscopic Examination of a Patient with Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia
A: Hypopyon
A: Inflammatory Acne Showing Pustules and Nodules in a 17-Year-Old Boy who Uses a Helmet While Playing Football in High School
A: Kaposi Sarcoma Presenting as Purplish-Red Papules on the Chest and Arm of a Man with HIV
A: Kidneys May be Damaged by a Variety of Insults/Disease States
A: Lateral View of the Ankle
A: Lateral View of the Elbow Flexed to 90 Degrees
A: Lateral View of the Knee
A: Left Infrarenal Pheochromocytoma Shown by CT Scanning
A: Plasma Cell Myeloma
A: Pleural Effusion
A: Pneumomediastinum Secondary to Esophageal Perforation (Posteroanterior CXR)
A: Polymorphous Light Eruption on the Arm of a Young Man
A: Pulmonary Embolism (CXR)
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 156