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Calcification of the Aortic Valve, Better Seen in the Lateral View in the Area of the Aortic Root (A, Arrow)
Calculation of Sensitivity, Specificity, and Probability of Disease after a Positive Test (Posttest Probability)
Cancer in a Fatty Breast
Caput Medusae, Umbilical Hernia
Caput Medusae in Cirrhosis
Cardiac Amyloidosis on Cardiac MRI
Cardiac Arrhythmias Resulting from Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
Carotid Bifurcation Occlusive Disease
Cellulitis and Abscess of the Finger
Cellulitis in a Man with Venous Stasis Dermatitis
Cellulitis in an Older Man with Venous Stasis Dermatitis
Central Corneal Ulcer and Hypopyon due to Pseudomonas Keratitis
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Cervical Candidiasis
Cervical Changes in Women Exposed to Diethylstilbestrol (Des) in Utero
Cervical Polyps
Chest Film of 19-Year-Old Man Showing a Recently Ruptured Hydatid Cyst in the Right Lung
Chickenpox (Varicella) with Classic Dew Drop on Rose Petal Appearance
Chigger Bites after Camping
Cholangiogram Shows Multiple Bile Duct Stones (Arrows)
Chondritis of Ear Cartilage
Chondrocalcinosis of the Triangular Cartilage of the Left Wrist
Choroidal Melanoma (Black Outline Arrow) with Exudative Retinal Detachment (White Outline Arrow)
Chronic Aseptic Olecranon Bursitis Without Erythema or Tenderness
Chronic Lymphatic Insufficiency: Lymphedema
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Bone Marrow Sections
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 96