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Salmon Patch. Erythematous Patches Involving the Glabella and Eyelids
Salmon-Pink Patches with Greasy Scale Involve the Creases and Convexities
Scabies. Note Linear Burrows
Scabies. Note Papules, Pustules, and Linear Burrows on the Plantar Surfaces
Scabies Nodules in an Infant
Scabies Nodules in a Young Boy
Scaling, Fissuring, and Erosions Between the Toes are Seen
Scaling and Fissuring of the Forefeet in Juvenile Plantar Dermatosis
Scaling Plaques, Plateau-Like Lesions, are Observed in Psoriasis
Scalp Involvement in Kwashiorkor with a Prominent Flaky Paint Appearance
Scaly and Hemorrhagic Papules on the Palm of This Child
Scarlet Fever. Red Strawberry Tongue or Raspberry Tongue
Scarlet Fever with Desquamation of the Ankles and Feet in a 5-Year-Old Girl Receiving Antibiotic Therapy
Seabather's Eruption, a Look-Alike of Cercarial Dermatitis, Usually Appears after Saltwater
Seborrheic Dermatitis Involving the Nasolabial Folds Has Resulted in Postinflammatory Hypopigmentation
Segmental Infantile Hemangioma. Note the Broad Anatomic Region Involved
Serum Sickness-Like Reaction. Hand Swelling and Urticarial Plaques with a Purple Hue
Serum Sickness-Like Reaction. Purple Urticaria is Present on the Lower Extremity
Serum Sickness-Like Reaction. Urticarial Papules and Plaques with a Purple Hue
Shagreen Patches Have an Orange-Peel or Cobblestone Texture and Often
Sharply Marginated Patches with flaky Paint Scale are Present in the Patient
Small Targetoid Bullae of the Dorsal Hand s (A) and Dorsal Feet
Smooth, Well-Defined Patches of Complete Hair Loss in a Child with Alopecia Areata
Solitary Mastocytoma
Somewhat Erythematous, Translucent Papules are Typical of Molluscum Contagiosum
Spider Angioma
Spitz Nevus. This Girl Had a Rapidly Growing Pink Papule
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome. Flaccid Bullae Form and Rupture Rapidly
Stellate Ulcer with Overlying Crust Characteristic of Aplasia Cutis Congenita
Streptococcal Balanoposthitis (Ie, Inflammation of the Glans Penis and Foreskin)
Displaying items 1 - 30 of 33