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In Varicella, Lesions are in Different Stages of Development
Involvement of the Feet in Atopic Dermatitis: Erythema, Lichenification, Scaling,
Irritant Diaper Dermatitis. Erythematous Patches Sparing the Skinfolds
Irritant Diaper Dermatitis. Erythematous Patches Sparing the Skinfolds - 96.1
Jacquet Erosive Diaper Dermatitis. Well-Defined Shallow Ulcers and Ulcerated Nodules
Junctional Nevus
Juvenile Spring Eruption
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma of the Scalp
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma of the Scalp. A Small Yellow-Orange Papule
Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma
Kasabach-Merritt Phenomenon - Figure
Kawasaki Disease. Erythematous Patches and Plaques with Foot Swelling
Kawasaki Disease. Hyperemia, Edema, and Fissuring of the Lips
Kawasaki Disease. Peripheral Gangrene Involving the Fourth and Fifth Digits Occurred
Kawasaki Disease. Strawberry Tongue Was Present in This Boy with Severe
Keratosis Pilaris: Follicular Papules that Have a Central Core of Keratin Debris
Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome
Koplik Spots (Arrows): Punctate White-Gray Papules on an Erythematous Base
Lamellar Ichthyosis is Characterized by Thick, Platelike Scales
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Hemorrhagic Papules and Erosions in the Inguinal Crease
Large Edematous, Erythematous, Arcuate, and Annular Plaques on the Arms
Lesions Became Progressively More Confluent and Purpuric in This Patient
Lesions of Active Discoid Lupus Erythematosus on the Arm in Addition
Lesions of Tinea Corporis are Rings (Ie, Annuli) that Have an Elevated, Erythematous, Scaling Border and Central Clearing
Lesions of Tinea Corporis May be Multiple
Light-Colored, Short, Sparse Hair is Seen in This Young Patient
Linear Arrangement of Papules on the Posterior Thigh and Leg in Lichen Striatus
Linear Iga Dermatosis Lesions Showing Bullae Surrounding a Crust the cluster
Linear Morphea Involving the Arm
Displaying items 181 - 210 of 400
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