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Definition of tumor location for T2a and T2b
Depiction of T4a lesions and the importance of the circumferential margin
Depth of invasion (DOI)
Depth of invasion (DOI) in an ulcerated carcinoma
Depth of invasion of Ta-T2 tumors
Diagram highlighting the location of tumors to be staged as distal bile duct tumors
Differences in defining criteria between the 7th Edition and the 8th Edition for staging of NPC: (A) changing the extent of soft tissue involvement as T2 and T4 criteria
Differences in prognostication of overall survival between the 7th Edition (Left) and the 8th Edition (Right) by (A) T-category, (B) N-category, and (C) stage group for NPC
Differential lymphatic drainage patterns for left and right liver intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas
Disease-specific survival: all patients, MSKCC data, 8th Edition
Disease-specific survival: all patients 55 years old, MSKCC data, 8th Edition
Disease-specific survival: patients <55 years old, MSKCC data, 8th Edition
Disease-specific survival comparing AJCC 7th Edition G3T2N0M0 primary STS to GXTXN1M0 and GXTXN1M1 STS, n = 1440 total; G3T2N0M0 disease (n = 1123), GXTXN1M0 (n = 33), GXTXN1M1 (n = 15), and GXTXN0M1 disease (n = 269); log rank, p < 0
Distal extension to duodenum does not affect the T3 category
Distribution of mutations in GIST prior to treatment with systemic therapy
Esophageal wall
Ewing sarcoma/PNET of the appendicular skeleton by stage (6th Edition) (Data from NCDB, 2002-2008)
Ewing sarcoma/PNET of the pelvis (including the sacrum) by stage (6th Edition) (Data from NCDB, 2002-2008)
Ewing sarcoma/PNET of the spine (excluding the sacrum) by stage (6th Edition) (Data from NCDB, 2002-2008)
Extent of primary bladder cancer
Extent of Tis, Ta, T1, and T3
Extranodal extension of metastatic carcinoma, low-power
Female Urethra
Five-year overall survival of 2,013 patients with MCC in the NCDB with clinical staging only for local disease (cN0 pNx; i
Five-year overall survival of 2,465 MCC patients with regional lymph node metastases in the NCDB, stratified by tumor burden and primary tumor status: clinically and radiologically occult nodal metastasis (N1a) detected by SLNB or otherwise; clinically or radiologically detected and pathologically confirmed nodal metastasis (N1b) with or without the presence of a primary tumor; and in-transit disease (N2)
Five-year overall survival of 5,371 patients with MCC in the NCDB with pathological staging, including 1,502 patients in stage group I, 493 in stage group IIA, 127 in stage group IIB, 1,536 in stage group IIIA, 929 in stage group IIIB, and 784 in stage group IV
Five-year overall survival of 6,127 patients with local MCC only (clinically and , if known, pathologically node negative) in the NCDB, stratified by T category ( 2 cm, T1; 2 cm, T2/3; involving fascia, muscle, cartilage, or bone, T4)
Five-year overall survival of 9,387 patients with MCC in the NCDB, stratified by local, regional nodal, and distant metastatic disease
For appendicular skeleton, trunk, skull, and facial bones, T1 is defined as tumor 8 cm or less in greatest dimension
Displaying items 61 - 90 of 423