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Too Many Toes Sign with the Forefoot Abduction Where the Lesser Toes are Visible Laterally
Tophaceous Deposit on the Elbow of a Patient with Gout
Tophi on a Patient's Hands
Transthoracic Echocardiographic Assessment of a Stenotic Aortic Valve
Transvaginal Sonogram of Multiple Theca Lutein Cysts Within One Ovary of a Woman with a Complete Molar Pregnancy
Transvaginal Sonographic Findings with Various Ectopic Pregnancies
Transverse Ultrasonogram of the Upper Abdomen in a Patient with Pancreatitis
Traumatic Perforation of the Left Tympanic Membrane
Trichinella Spiralis
Trichuris Trichiura
Trophozoites of Entamoeba Histolytica with Ingested Erythrocytes Stained with Trichrome
Trypanosoma Cruzi Trypomastigote in a Thin Blood Smear Stained with Giemsa
Tuberculous Osteomyelitis
Tubo-Ovarian Abscess
Two Aphthous Ulcers on the Tongue
Two ECGs Showing Left and Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Two Radiographs Showing Hallux Limitus
Two Trunks of Small Nonbleeding Varices Visualized in Distal Esophagus
Type I Second-Degree AV Block-Classic Wenckebach
Types of Pessaries
Typical Basal Body Temperature and Plasma Hormone Concentrations (Mean ± Standard Error) During a Normal 28-Day Human Menstrual Cycle
Typical Ellipsoid Defect after Removal of the Biopsy Specimen
Typical Findings in Cushing Syndrome
Typical Glaucomatous Cupping with Nasal Displacement of the Vessels and Hollowed-Out Appearance of the Optic Disk
Typical Honey-Crusted Plaque on the Lip of an Adult with Impetigo
Typical Inflammatory Changes of Gout at First Metatarsophalangeal Joint (Podagra)
Typical Site for Excoriated, Vesiculopustular Lesions due to Scabies
Ulcer-Venous Stasis Ulcer
Ulnar Deviation at Metacarpophalangeal Joints in Advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ultrasonogram of Polycystic Kidney Disease
Displaying items 391 - 420 of 929