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Role of Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Folic Acid in Nucleic Acid and Myelin Metabolism
Role of Obesity in the Pathophysiology of Weight-Related Diseases
Romaña Sign
Rosacea in a 34-Year-Old Woman Showing Erythema, Papules, and Pustules Covering Much of the Face
Sagittal Brain MRI in the Same Patient with Multiple Sclerosis Showing Multiple Lesions at Different Levels of the Nervous System
Scalescalp Psoriasis
Scarlet Fever
Scattered Fibroglandular Tissue
Schematic Diagram of a Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram, Here Used to Provide Drainage for an Obstructing Pancreatic Carcinoma
Schematic Drawing of Pulmonary Stenosis
Schematic Illustration of Upper Motor Neuron Pathways
Schematic Showing Effects of Eisenmenger Syndrome on the Heart
Schistosoma Eggs
Scleritis in a Young Woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sclerodactyly of the Hands in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis
Seborrheic Keratosis with Light Pigmentation, with Waxy, Dry, “stuck-on,” Appearance
Secondary Syphilis Mucous Patch of the Tongue
Secondary Syphilis Perianal Condylomata Lata
Sensory Pathways Conveying Touch, Pressure, Vibration, Joint Position, Pain, and Temperature Sensation
Sentinel Node
Severe, Chronic Hypertensive Retinopathy with Hard Exudates, Increased Vessel Light Reflexes, and Sausage-Shaped Veins
Severe Acute Papilledema
Severe Angular Cheilitis in a Man with HIV with Oral Thrush
Severely Burned Firefighter Prior to Initial Debridement
Severe Ocular Injury with Total Hyphema
Severe Ophthalmopathy of Graves Disease
Severe Pompholyx
Severe Ulcerative Colitis is Characterized by Granularity, Loss of Normal Vascularity, Diffuse Erosions and Ulcerations, and Spontaneous Bleeding
Severe Uveitis with Hypopyon
Displaying items 751 - 780 of 929