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Short PR
Sickle Cell Disease, Peripheral Blood Smear
Simple Geriatric Screen
Simultaneous Left and Right Atrial and Differential Pressure Across an Atrial Septal Defect
Single Heel Raise Examination with the Heel Raised Off the Weight-Bearing Surface
Sinus Bradycardia in a Patient with Somewhat Subtle Infero-Posterior STEMI
Sixth Nerve Palsy
Skin Dimpling
Skin Involvement in Sarcoidosis (Lupus Pernio), Here Involving the Nasal Rim
Skin Ulcer due to Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Small Hyphema
Small Peripheral Corneal Laceration with Extrusion of Iris Causing Distortion (“peaking”) of the Pupil
Snowflake Opacities Seen by Slit Lamp Examination in Late-Stage Ophthalmic Onchocerciasis
Sonogram of Hydatidiform Moles
Spectrum of PTH-Mediated Bone Disease
Spider Telangiectasias of the Face in Chronic Liver Disease
Spider Telangiectasias of the Thoracic Wall in Chronic Liver Disease
Splinter Hemorrhages Appearing as Red Lineal Streaks Under the Nail Plate and Within the Nail Bed, in Endocarditis, Psoriasis, and Trauma
Spontaneously Healing Cutaneous Leishmaniasis with Atrophic Scars
Spontaneous Pneumothorax on the Right Side
Spontaneous Subconjunctival Hemorrhage While Receiving Warfarin
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: an Irregular-Shaped Pink Plaque with Overlying Hemorrhagic Crust in a Chronically Sun-Exposed Area
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Palate
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Right Lung on CXR (A) and CT Scan (B)
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Strawberry Cervix in Trichomonas Vaginalis Infection, with Inflammation and Punctate Hemorrhages
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Stretching of the Skin Prior to Biopsy
ST-Segment Elevation Mi (STEMI)
Displaying items 781 - 810 of 929